Solved ColorRandomizer

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Perm, Russia
Category: ChatDesign
Suggested name: ColorRandomizer

What I want: I would like a chat script, which making chat more colourful and simple. On every message it randomize the main color. It can be a function.

Ideas for commands: -
Ideas for permissions: -
When I'd like it by: -

@BrettPlayMC thanks for the form...
Like this?

function randomColor(x: int = 0) :: text:
    set {_} to "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|a|b|c|d|e|f"
    set {_x::*} to {_} split at "|"
    return "&%random element out of {_x::*}%"

on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast colored "[%player%] %randomColor()%%message%"
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Reactions: glowgrew
Like this?

function randomColor(x: int = 0) :: text:
    set {_} to "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|a|b|c|d|e|f"
    set {_x::*} to {_} split at "|"
    return "&%random element out of {_x::*}%"

on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast colored "[%player%] %randomColor()%%message%"
Thanks for idea! <3