Clickable sign?

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Nov 6, 2020
Hello, i am coding with skript since 1.12. After 3 years i started to code again with skript for fun, but since mojang added sign edit (This means when you place a sign type some text and add it to the sign, you are able to edit it again if you click on it) i can't make clickable signs

Normally i would do

on right click on sign:
    if line 2 of event-block is "test":
        message "You clicked" to player

The code above did i use when i played 1.12 and back then it worked

I tried it again but now it looks minecraft overwrites this event or something?

i also tried this code below in skript 2.10.0 and in minecraft 1.21

on right click on oak sign:
    if line 2 of event-block is "test":
        cancel event
        message "You clicked" to player

i tried canceling the event for opening the sign, but that doesn't work
I also said (on right click on oak sign) because mojang added multiple signs of different wood.

I don't get errors or anything so i don't know why it wouldn't work?

I hope someone have a answer.


prefix: &8[&6Signs&8]

# Handle sign clicks
on right click:
if "%event-block%" contains "SIGN":
set {_line2} to line 2 of event-block
if {_line2} contains "test":
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot interact with a test sign!" to player

# Allow setting test initially, but prevent editing after
on sign change:
wait 1 tick
if line 2 of event-block contains "test":
set {_loc} to location of event-block
set {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} to true
send "{@prefix} &aThis sign is now locked!" to player

# Prevent editing of locked signs
on sign edit:
set {_loc} to location of event-block
if {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} is true:
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot edit a locked sign!" to player

# Dont allow text clearing
on sign change:
set {_loc} to location of event-block
if {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} is true:
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot edit a locked sign!" to player

Here you go, I played around for a bit, and now it works. I didnt really understand your "test" line feature, but I tried something. When you click a sign with "test" on line 2 it wont allow you to edit it. Hope this helps!

prefix: &8[&6Signs&8]

# Handle sign clicks
on right click:
if "%event-block%" contains "SIGN":
set {_line2} to line 2 of event-block
if {_line2} contains "test":
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot interact with a test sign!" to player

# Allow setting test initially, but prevent editing after
on sign change:
wait 1 tick
if line 2 of event-block contains "test":
set {_loc} to location of event-block
set {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} to true
send "{@prefix} &aThis sign is now locked!" to player

# Prevent editing of locked signs
on sign edit:
set {_loc} to location of event-block
if {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} is true:
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot edit a locked sign!" to player

# Dont allow text clearing
on sign change:
set {_loc} to location of event-block
if {signs::locked::%{_loc}%} is true:
cancel event
send "{@prefix} &cYou cannot edit a locked sign!" to player

Here you go, I played around for a bit, and now it works. I didnt really understand your "test" line feature, but I tried something. When you click a sign with "test" on line 2 it wont allow you to edit it. Hope this helps!
Thanks! What i meant with line 2 "test" is if you have a sign with the text "test" on line 2. It will message something to a player
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