Solved Click on url

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You can't. Accepting the rendering to a page is like accepting the download of a resourcepack, you can somehow make that the player will be kicked (I'm not sure of this).
You can't. Accepting the rendering to a page is like accepting the download of a resourcepack, you can somehow make that the player will be kicked (I'm not sure of this).
But, in my server, when i click a url, does not sent me a page with the options "Open page", "Copy" and "close"
How can i solve that?
Send me a screenshot, probably you don't formatted the url in the right way.

#GUI code before...

on inventory click:
    inventory name of player's current inventory is "&eTienda de WorldCraft":
        event-slot = air:
            close inventory of player
            wait 3 ticks
            execute player command "tienda"
        clicked slot is 10:
            close inventory of player
            wait 3 ticks
            send "&a[VIP]: &2&n"
That is a part of code and...


When I click, it does not show me this:


  • upload_2019-3-23_13-46-54.png
    68.8 KB · Views: 486
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Search in config of Skript this line:
parse links in chat messages: disabled

And change "disabled" to "strict". (to make your search easier just press CTRL+F and type "link")

Ah, and don't forget to do "/skript reload config"! :emoji_blush:
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Search in config of Skript this line:
parse links in chat messages: disabled

And change "disabled" to "strict". (to make your search easier just press CTRL+F and type "link")

Ah, and don't forget to do "/skript reload config"! :emoji_blush:
Thanks :emoji_slight_smile:
That's work
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