Chest Spawner

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Jun 22, 2018
hello how to make spawner system block can't drop, I want to be added to the chest

on place of stone:
    if name of player's tool is "&bPCNW &9» &eTaş Spawner":
        create holo object "&eTaş &6Spawner;ItemStack:stone;;&6Sahibi &9» &e%player%;&6Süre &9» &e5 Saniye;&6Miktar &9» &e1" with id "%event-block's location%" at location 2.8 meters above block
        set {_location} to location of targeted block
        set {tassp::%{_location}%} to {_location}   
        set {_x} to x coord of event-location
        set {_y} to y coord of event-location
        set {_z} to z coord of event-location
        wait 2 tick

on break of stone:
    if {tassp::%location of targeted block%} is set:
        cancel event
        set block to air
        delete holo object "%event-block's location%"   
        remove location of targeted block from {tassp::*}
        clear {tassp::%location of targeted block%}   
        give 1 stone named "&bPCNW &9» &eTaş Spawner" to player

every 5 second:
    loop {tassp::*}:
        set {_owner} to asb owner of island at loop-value
        if {_owner} is online:
            drop 1 stone at block 0 above loop-value