Chest password

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Jan 31, 2017
as I do for when I open a chest I have to put a 3 digit password, but through the gui menu, the example is in this video:
as I do for when I open a chest I have to put a 3 digit password, but through the gui menu, the example is in this video:
Is this good?
    pin-code-length: 4
    override-permission: admin
on right click on chest:
    cancel event
    open virtual chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aChest lock" to player
    loop 9 times:
        make gui slot (loop-number + 3 + (round((loop-number +1)/ 3) * 6)) of player with loop-number of gray concrete named "&e%loop-number%" to run function enterPassNumber(player, loop-number)
    make gui slot 23 of player with red concrete named "&eReset password" to run function resetPassNumbers(player)
    if player has permission "{@override-permission}":
        make gui slot 25 of player with yellow concrete named "&eForce open (Admin only)" to run function forceOpen(player, event-block)
    while name of player's current inventory contains "&aChest lock":
        if size of {enteredpass::%player%::*} >= {@pin-code-length}:
            set {_pass::*} to {enteredpass::%player%::*}
            exit loop
        wait 1 tick
    delete {enteredpass::%player%::*}
    {_pass::*} is set
    set {_inp} to join {_pass::*} with ""
    remove gui slot 23 of player
    remove gui slot 25 of player
    if {_inp} is {chestpassword::%location of event-block%}:
        play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" at location of player for player
        make gui slot 24 of player with chest named "&eOpen chest" to run function openPassChest(player, event-block)
        make gui slot 25 of player with name tag named "&eDelete password" to close then run function deletePassChest(event-block)
    else if {chestpassword::%location of event-block%} is not set:
        make gui slot 24 of player with green concrete named "&eConfirm pass" to close then run function setChestPass(player, event-block, {_inp})
        play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND" with volume .5 at location of player for player
        close inventory of player
function enterPassNumber(p: player, n: integer):
    add {_n} to {enteredpass::%{_p}%::*}

function resetPassNumbers(p: player):
    delete {enteredpass::%{_p}%::*}

function openPassChest(p: player, b: block):
    open block at {_b} to {_p}
function setChestPass(p: player, b: block, pass: text):
    set {_loc} to location of {_b}
    set {chestpassword::%{_loc}%} to {_pass}
    play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" at {_p} for {_p}
function deletePassChest(b: block):
    set {_loc} to location of {_b}
    delete {chestpassword::%{_loc}%}
function forceOpen(p: player, b: block):
    set {_loc} to location of {_b}
    set {_l::*} to split {chestpassword::%{_loc}%} at ""
    set {_i} to size of {_l::*}
    delete {_l::%{_i}%}
    set {enteredpass::%{_p}%::*} to {_l::*}

on break:
    set {_loc} to location of event-block
    delete {chestpassword::%{_loc}%}