Checking items in brewing stand

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Very Cool Bee

New Member
May 21, 2020
Hello! How can I check the item player puts into a brewing stand?
I want to prevent people from putting fermented spider eye into a brewing stand.
Thanks :wrong:
on inventory click:
    if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
        if inventory type is brewing stand inventory:
            cancel event
on inventory click:
    if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
        if inventory type is brewing stand inventory:
            cancel event
That's the correct solution, but players can put the eye using number keys. So use this:
on inventory click:
    if type of event-item is fermented spider eye:
        if inventory type is brewing stand inventory:
            cancel event
    if type of event-item is air:
        if inventory type is brewing stand inventory:
            if click type is number key:
                cancel event
That's true

Maybe this would be better. Less code but does the same.
on inventory click:
    if inventory type is brewing stand inventory:
        if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
            cancel event
        else if click type is number key:
            cancel event
Well these codes work, but:
It prevents any movement of the fermented spider eye in my inventory. If I open the brewing stand I can't move this item at all. I just wanted to prevent players from putting it to the brewing stand.
Also I found a bug - when I opened my normal inventory and wanted to just move the spider eye to the other slot it started copying itself. It's really weird...
I don't know how I could make them able to move the spider eye when inside of the brewing stand without allowing them to use it.

The other bug is fixed:
on inventory click:
    if type of current inventory of player is brewing stand inventory:
        if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
            cancel event
        else if click type is number key:
            cancel event
I just wanted to prevent players from putting it to the brewing stand.
on inventory click:
    if type of current inventory of player is brewing stand inventory:
        if event-slot is slot 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 of event-iventory:
            if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
                cancel event
            else if click type is number key:
                cancel event
on inventory click:
    if type of current inventory of player is brewing stand inventory:
        if event-slot is slot 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 of event-iventory:
            if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
                cancel event
            else if click type is number key:
                cancel event

How would that fix it? Wouldn't it just prevent the player from moving the spider eye out of a brewing stand?
Just use the code that worked but also in your inventory and add this:

event-inventory != Player's inventory
Just use the code that worked but also in your inventory and add this:

event-inventory != Player's inventory
If you mean like this, it wouldn't work:
on inventory click:
    if event-inventory != Player's inventory:
        if type of current inventory of player is brewing stand inventory:
            if event-itemtype is fermented spider eye:
                cancel event
            else if click type is number key:
                cancel event
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