Solved Checking if entity is on ground

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Aug 6, 2023
I am skripting a wand where on a right click, you can throw totems. When these totem hit the ground, it will do damage to nearby players.

I know how to do everything but checking if the armour stand is on the ground. How do I do this? Thanks.
Do you at least know how to make skript detect the armor stand?
As of Skript 2.2, you can check if an entity is on the ground.
Reread your question. Sorry for the hollow answer. My best advice is to just loop a set number of times, wait 1 tick, and check if your armor stand (probably referred to by a variable or 'last spawned armor stand') is on the ground. Or, you could just wait a chunk of time and see.
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All you have to do is if block below [entity] is air: or something like that.
Skript checks the block 1 block beneath the player if you use that. This is an issue in the case that you're 0.9 blocks above dirt; it'll still say you're above dirt, even though there's 0.9 blocks of air beneath you. You could circumvent this by checking infinitesimally small gaps (0.01 blocks below player), but it's still *slightly* inaccurate (I think that's what the expression does though).
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Skript checks the block 1 block beneath the player if you use that. This is an issue in the case that you're 0.9 blocks above dirt; it'll still say you're above dirt, even though there's 0.9 blocks of air beneath you. You could circumvent this by checking infinitesimally small gaps (0.01 blocks below player), but it's still *slightly* inaccurate (I think that's what the expression does though).
I didn't think of that. Don't listen to me, listen to him, lol.
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