Solved Checking block below player

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Active Member
Dec 18, 2019
Hi i want a script that trapes you in 2x1 cage made of glass

But if block under is not air it wouldn't set it to glass

Current code
command /@101 <player>:
        set block north above the player to glass
        set block east above the player to glass
        set block south above the player to glass
        set block west above the player to glass
        set block 2 meters above the player to glass
        set block north the player to glass
        set block east the player to glass
        set block south the player to glass
        set block west the player to glass
        set block below the player to glass
        wait 5 seconds
        set block north above the player to air
        set block east above the player to air
        set block south above the player to air
        set block west above the player to air
        set block 2 meters above the player to air
        set block below the player to air
        set block north the player to air
        set block east the player to air
        set block south the player to air
        set block west the player to air
Yes of course.

command /@101 <player>:
        set block north above the player to glass
        set block east above the player to glass
        set block south above the player to glass
        set block west above the player to glass
        set block 2 meters above the player to glass
        set block north the player to glass
        set block east the player to glass
        set block south the player to glass
        set block west the player to glass
        set block under the player to glass
        wait 5 seconds
        set block north above the player to air
        set block east above the player to air
        set block south above the player to air
        set block west above the player to air
        set block 2 meters above the player to air
        set block under the player to air
        set block north the player to air
        set block east the player to air
        set block south the player to air
        set block west the player to air
oh but i dont mean that. I mean checking block below if it's air or not , if is change it to glass
This code:

command /test:
    block under player is air:
      set block under the player to glass
      set block under the player to air
As an an example:

command /@101 <player>:
        set block north above the player to glass
        set block east above the player to glass
        set block south above the player to glass
        set block west above the player to glass
        set block 2 meters above the player to glass
        set block north the player to glass
        set block east the player to glass
        set block south the player to glass
        set block west the player to glass
        block under player is air:
            set block under the player to glass
            set block under the player to air

        set block under the player to glass
        wait 5 seconds
        set block north above the player to air
        set block east above the player to air
        set block south above the player to air
        set block west above the player to air
        set block 2 meters above the player to air
        set block north the player to air
        set block east the player to air
        set block south the player to air
        set block west the player to air
        block under player is air:
            set block under the player to glass
            set block under the player to air
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Reactions: PanHack
ok i got it right way
command /@101 <player>:
        set block north above the player to glass
        set block east above the player to glass
        set block south above the player to glass
        set block west above the player to glass
        set block 2 meters above the player to glass
        set block north the player to glass
        set block east the player to glass
        set block south the player to glass
        set block west the player to glass
        block under player is air:
            set block under the player to glass
        wait 5 seconds
        set block north above the player to air
        set block east above the player to air
        set block south above the player to air
        set block west above the player to air
        set block 2 meters above the player to air
        set block north the player to air
        set block east the player to air
        set block south the player to air
        set block west the player to air
        block under player is glass:
            set block under the player to air
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