Hello, i need help
i tried to check the number of my item lore
and this is happen, i dont know the problem
i tried to check the number of my item lore
on damage:
victim is a living entity
if attacker is a player:
attacker is holding a sword
set {_lore::*} to attacker tool split by "||" #this one the problem
loop {_lore::*}:
set {_value::*} to uncolored loop-value parsed as "Damage: %num%"
if {_value::1} is set:
add {_value::1} to {_damage}
send "%{_damage}%" to attacker
bind hologram "&c%{_damage}%" to victim for 1 second offset by 0.4, 2.0, 0.7
exit loop
and this is happen, i dont know the problem