Check if player is near a block

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
Is it possible with skript?
Something like "if player is 1 block from a furnace, reduce 1 heart per second and send a message about overheating". Something like that.

Is it possible with skript?
Something like "if player is 1 block from a furnace, reduce 1 heart per second and send a message about overheating". Something like that.


on join:
    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        loop all blocks in radius 1 around the player:
            if loop-block is a furnace:
                damage player by 1.0
                message "Put here your message."
        wait 1 second
Just saying that instead of loop the blocks you could do the following:
if blocks in radius 1 of player contains furnace:
    #do stuff

@aescraft I don't know why you marked my post as best answer if the guy above me posted the solution and I just did a recommendation for the code that him actually did.
So much thanks for the ideas, but I could not make it work.

I am really looking to make a modification for a spigot plugin. The plugin makes the player sit down. I want to have some particles and some potion effects when the player is next to a brewing stand (simulating a bong to get high lol) and giving nausea and spawning particles.

But the loop did not worked for me :emoji_disappointed_relieved::emoji_disappointed:

Any ideas?
So much thanks for the ideas, but I could not make it work.

I am really looking to make a modification for a spigot plugin. The plugin makes the player sit down. I want to have some particles and some potion effects when the player is next to a brewing stand (simulating a bong to get high lol) and giving nausea and spawning particles.

But the loop did not worked for me :emoji_disappointed_relieved::emoji_disappointed:

Any ideas?

on join:
    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        if blocks in radius 1 of player contains Brewing Stand:
            apply nausea 2 to the player for 1 second
        wait 1 second

You need to do the particles by yourself , i can't know what type of them you want on it.
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on join:
    wait 1 tick
    while player is alive:
        if blocks in radius 1 of player contains Brewing Stand:
            apply nausea 2 to the player for 1 second
        wait 1 second

You need to do the particles by yourself , i can't know what type of them you want on it.
I want to make this to be triggered by a command, not by only walking into a brewing stand.
This is what I tough:

command /sitdown:
  description: sit down and relax
  executable by: players
    make player execute command "/sit"
    wait 1 second
    if blocks in radius 3 of player contains Brewing Stand:
      wait 5 seconds
      apply nausea 1 to the %player% for 120 seconds
      show 10 "largesmoke" particles at location of %player% for player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
    if blocks in radius 3 of player isn't Brewing Stand:

But its not working. The "make player execute command "/sit" part is working, but the rest isn't.

I also tried this:
command /sitdown:
  description: sentar
  executable by: players
    make player execute command "/sit"
    if blocks in radius 3 of player contains Brewing Stand:
      broadcast "MESSAGE TEST!"

But the "MESSAGE TEST" is not broadcast (as if the condition is not met in the IF).
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Sure that it doesn't have put %player% instance of player in the effect strings.
      apply nausea 1 to the player for 120 seconds
      show 10 "largesmoke" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4

Sure that it doesn't have put %player% instance of player in the effect strings.
      apply nausea 1 to the player for 120 seconds
      show 10 "largesmoke" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
But as I said, even this doesn't work:

command /sitdown:
  description: sentar
  executable by: players
    make player execute command "/sit"
    if blocks in radius 3 of player contains Brewing Stand:
      broadcast "MESSAGE TEST!"
command /sitdown:
        make player execute command "/sit"
        loop all blocks in radius 3 of player:
            if loop-block is Brewing Stand:
                broadcast "TEST MESSAGE"
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