Solved Chat JSON?

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Jan 26, 2017
Suggested name:
Anything really I'm just interested in the function.
What I want:
So I've seen on other servers where when player's chat you can hover over their name tags/name to see some information on the player and I'd like to add this to my server. On my server all staff will have the same tag that reads [Staff] and I would like this to show their roles on the server. Also I have a leveling skript that I've been working on so it would be nice to show the level variable along with balance on hover.

Ideas for commands:
/roles [<add/remove>] <text>
/roles [<offlineplayer>]

Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: Within a week but the sooner the better. Heck I'd be grateful if someone even attempted this for me.
Suggested name:
Anything really I'm just interested in the function.
What I want:
So I've seen on other servers where when player's chat you can hover over their name tags/name to see some information on the player and I'd like to add this to my server. On my server all staff will have the same tag that reads [Staff] and I would like this to show their roles on the server. Also I have a leveling skript that I've been working on so it would be nice to show the level variable along with balance on hover.

Ideas for commands:
/roles [<add/remove>] <text>
/roles [<offlineplayer>]

Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: Within a week but the sooner the better. Heck I'd be grateful if someone even attempted this for me.
What is the display variable from your leveling script?
{lvl::%player's uuid%}
Thank you for viewing my thread x)
Add me on skype, Jacobmc0804 - I've made this before :emoji_wink:
Could just do something like

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
            if player is op:
                json("%loop-player%","blah blah||ttp: enter hover info|| %player% %message")
                json ("%loop-player%","blah")
I thought that syntax was broken after 1.8
[doublepost=1489618633,1489618561][/doublepost]Cannot find your skype :/
Could just do something like

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
            if player is op:
                json("%loop-player%","blah blah||ttp: enter hover info|| %player% %message")
                json ("%loop-player%","blah")
Yeah that works.
I thought that syntax was broken after 1.8
[doublepost=1489618633,1489618561][/doublepost]Cannot find your skype :/
No it isn't. Also you need
Could just do something like

on chat:
    cancel event
    loop all players:
            if player is op:
                json("%loop-player%","blah blah||ttp: enter hover info|| %player% %message")
                json ("%loop-player%","blah")
Is it possible to modify the message itself instead of change it from the message to a json?
I use PurpleIRC that broadcast the in-game messages to IRC but it doesn't hooks into json and broadcast messages.
Do you know a workaround for it? Thanks!
[doublepost=1490381514,1490221316][/doublepost]You guys know? Snow-Pyon YoshYz
Is it possible to modify the message itself instead of change it from the message to a json?
I use PurpleIRC that broadcast the in-game messages to IRC but it doesn't hooks into json and broadcast messages.
Do you know a workaround for it? Thanks!
[doublepost=1490381514,1490221316][/doublepost]You guys know? Snow-Pyon YoshYz

You could try to cancel the chat packet and modify it
if you cancel "on chat:" you cancel sending the message
if you cancel "on packet event play_server_chat:" you cancel recieving the message

on packet event play_server_chat:
    set {_jsonText} to "%""chatcomponent"" pjson 0 of event-packet%"
    execute console command "/tellraw %player% %{_jsonText}%

Note that this will crash your Server, it's just an example.
if you cancel "on chat:" you cancel sending the message
if you cancel "on packet event play_server_chat:" you cancel recieving the message

on packet event play_server_chat:
    set {_jsonText} to "%""chatcomponent"" pjson 0 of event-packet%"
    execute console command "/tellraw %player% %{_jsonText}%

Note that this will crash your Server, it's just an example.
I don't get it. Why it crashes the server?