Hi, so I've got this code, and as you can see, it changes the player's tab name to the disguised name, but I want it to also change the player's nametag to "&c&lDR1 %arg-1%". Any ideas?
command /disguise [<text>]:
if {rank.%player%} is not "JrAdmin" or "Admin" or "Manager" or "Owner" or "Dev":
send "&c&lPerms » &7You don't have permission!"
if arg 1 is not set:
if {server.disguised.%player%} is set:
reset the player's displayed skin
delete {server.disguised.%player%}
send "&9&lDisguise » &7You are no longer disguised."
send "&9&lDisguise » &e/disguise <user>"
if arg 1 is set:
if {server.disguised.%player%} is set:
reset the player's displayed skin
delete {server.disguised.%player%}
send "&9&lDisguise » &7You are no longer disguised."
if arg 1 contains " ":
send "&9&lDisguise » &7A name has to be one word!"
else if the length of arg 1 is greater than 16:
send "&9&lDisguise » &7A name has to be under 16 chars!"
open chest with 1 row named "&cDisguise System - Skins" to player
set {_steve} to "Steve" parsed as offline player
set {_alex} to "ShadowDanceYT" parsed as offline player
format slot 3 of player with {_steve}'s skull named "&a&lSTEVE" with lore "&7Disguise as &a%arg-1%&7 with the skin of &aSteve&7." to close then run [execute player command "/__set__skin__steve__ %arg-1%"]
format slot 5 of player with {_alex}'s skull named "&a&lALEX" with lore "&7Disguise as &a%arg-1%&7 with the skin of &aAlex&7." to close then run [execute player command "/__set__skin__alex__ %arg-1%"]
set player tab name to "&c&lDR1 &e%arg-1%"