Skript Version: 2.5-alpha6-MH
Errors: None
[doublepost=1597036802,1597036714][/doublepost]Changes name to <none>, I tried other things but I need the name to include caps. The name includes colors so that is not an issue.
Errors: None
command /upgrade:
permission: tester
set {_toolname} to uncoloured name of player's tool
set {_0} to lore of player's tool
set {_1::*} to split {_0} at "||"
set {_0} to size of {_1::*}
if line {_0} of lore of player's tool is "&f&lCOMMON":
set line {_0} of lore of player's tool to "&a&l&kA &r&a&lUNCOMMON &r&a&l&kA"
set name of player's tool to "&a%{_toolname}%"