I'm making a shop, and have a lot of things working now, but I want to check if a player has his or her boost set up, if not I want to set it to 1, but when I check if it is, I always get the output that it wasn't any help would be appreciated thx.
on right click on entity:
if name of entity is "Ye Old Fisherman":
if player's held item is not a cod:
send "&c&lThat's not a fish!!!!!!" to player
if {_Boost.%player%} is set:
set {_Money::1} to 10
if lore of held item contains "&7Caught":
if held item's lore contains "cm":
set {_Original} to held item's lore
delete line 2 of held item's lore
set line 1 of held item's lore to regex replace all "cm" with "" in held item's lore
set {_lore::1} to held item's lore
set {_lore::2} to uncolored {_lore::1}
set lore of held item to {_Original}
set {_lore::3} to {_lore::2} parsed as a number
remove 1 of held item from player
add {_lore::3} to player's balance
send "&6$%{_lore::2}% &fwas recieved!!!" to player
delete {_Money::*}
delete {_lore::*}
delete {_Original}
delete {_SellMultiplier}
else if {_Boost.%player%} is not set:
set {_Boost.%player%} to 1
send "&5Your All Set!!!!!" to player