Skript gives an error:
"Can't compare 'items within entity event-entity' with an item type (, line 7: items within entity event-entity is planks or stone brick or iron block or diamond block')"
This is a script that removes a drop within a radius of 5 blocks around the explosion. My version 1.13. On version 1.12, everything works fine
Please help solve the problem.
"Can't compare 'items within entity event-entity' with an item type (, line 7: items within entity event-entity is planks or stone brick or iron block or diamond block')"
on explode:
set {explosion::%event-location%} to event-location
wait 0.5 second
delete {explosion::%event-location%}
on item spawn:
items within entity event-entity is planks or stone brick or iron block or diamond block
loop {explosion::*}:
distance between loop-value and event-location is less than 5
cancel event
This is a script that removes a drop within a radius of 5 blocks around the explosion. My version 1.13. On version 1.12, everything works fine
Please help solve the problem.