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Jan 22, 2020
I'm trying to make a Smelting Touch with Skript, associated with TuSKe. I tried to make the pickaxe have a chance to get the Smelting Touch "Enchantment" (A Lore With Unbreaking 1), and when I try to change the item that got enchanted's Lore, the script prints this problem when reloading it:
[Server] Server thread/ERROR the lore of event-item stack can't be set to anything (smeltingtouch.sk, line 19: set lore of event-item to "&7Smelting Touch"')
[Server] Server thread/ERROR event-item stack cannot be changed, thus it cannot be (dis)enchanted (smeltingtouch.sk, line 21: enchant event-item with unbreaking 1')
[Server] Server thread/INFO Encountered 2 errors while reloading smeltingtouch.sk!

The script:

on mine of iron ore:
    if player's tool is a pickaxe with lore "&7Smelting Touch":
        clear drops
        set {drop} to location of target block of player
        add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop}
        drop 1 iron ingot at {drop}
on mine of gold ore:
    if player's tool is a pickaxe with lore "&7Smelting Touch":
        clear drops
        set {drop} to location of target block of player
        add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {drop}
        drop 1 gold ingot at {drop}

on enchant:
    if event-item is a pickaxe:
        chance of 10%:
            set lore of event-item to "&7Smelting Touch"
            if event-item is not enchanted with unbreaking:
                enchant event-item with unbreaking 1

The skript works if I replace every event-item with tool, but I want it to change the item that was enchanted, not the item the player is holding.
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I just figured something out.

You could do something like this:

on enchant:
   chance of 90%:
      wait 1 tick
      set {_item} to slot 0 of player's current inventory
      add "&cTest" to lore of {_item}
      set slot 0 of player's current inventory to {_item}

And you could add "enchant {_item} with xyz" if you want to
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