Solved Cancel Teleportation On Move

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Aug 4, 2024
Hi! I'm trying to make a script on my server so when you do /hub or /lobby it counts down from 3, but if you move the teleportation is canceled. When I try it then it works fine but you still get teleported if you move.
My code is:
command /lobby:
  aliases: /hub
    if {_hub::%player%} is not true:
      set {_hub::%player%} to true
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &aTeleporting to lobby! Don't move!"
      while {_hub::%player%} is true:
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 3"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 2"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 1"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleported!"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        execute command "/mvtp %player% world"
        set {_hub::%player%} to false
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cYou are already teleporting!" to player

on player move:
  if {_hub::%player%} is true:
    clear {_hub::%player%}
    wait 1 tick
    execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleportation Canceled!"",""color"":""red"",""bold"":true}"
    send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cTeleportation canceled because you moved!" to player
Please help!

EDIT: Just don't mind that I used clear instead of setting it to false, I do that sometimes
You could do something like this:

set {_hubtimer.%player%} to 3
      while {_hub::%player%} is true:
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in %{_hubtimer.%player%}%"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        set {_hubtimer.%player%} to {_hubtimer.%player%} - 1
        if {_hubtimer.%player%} is 0:
            set {_hub::%player%} to false
    execute command "/mvtp %player% world"

Your code isnt working because Skript doesn't care if you've made the while statement false if the while statement is already running; it only checks while statement conditions when hitting the condition again.
You could do something like this:

set {_hubtimer.%player%} to 3
      while {_hub::%player%} is true:
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in %{_hubtimer.%player%}%"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        set {_hubtimer.%player%} to {_hubtimer.%player%} - 1
        if {_hubtimer.%player%} is 0:
            set {_hub::%player%} to false
    execute command "/mvtp %player% world"

Your code isnt working because Skript doesn't care if you've made the while statement false if the while statement is already running; it only checks while statement conditions when hitting the condition again.
but if he doesnt add a wait wouldnt that crash his server when the condition is met? im pretty sure while statements needs a wait
Isn't there a wait? Right under execute command, and there is an exit for the loop with if {_hubtimer.%player%} is 0: if that's what you mean.
Hi! I'm trying to make a script on my server so when you do /hub or /lobby it counts down from 3, but if you move the teleportation is canceled. When I try it then it works fine but you still get teleported if you move.
My code is:
command /lobby:
  aliases: /hub
    if {_hub::%player%} is not true:
      set {_hub::%player%} to true
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &aTeleporting to lobby! Don't move!"
      while {_hub::%player%} is true:
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 3"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 2"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 1"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleported!"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        execute command "/mvtp %player% world"
        set {_hub::%player%} to false
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cYou are already teleporting!" to player

on player move:
  if {_hub::%player%} is true:
    clear {_hub::%player%}
    wait 1 tick
    execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleportation Canceled!"",""color"":""red"",""bold"":true}"
    send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cTeleportation canceled because you moved!" to player
Please help!

EDIT: Just don't mind that I used clear instead of setting it to false, I do that sometimes
its not working because the var {_hub::%player%} is a local var and it gets deleted right after the command is over, and you dont need to execute that command theres an effect for that
its not working because the var {_hub::%player%} is a local var and it gets deleted right after the command is over, and you dont need to execute that command theres an effect for that and btw mb didnt saw that wait
its not working because the var {_hub::%player%} is a local var and it gets deleted right after the command is over, and you dont need to execute that command theres an effect for that
When I tried it did cancel it but the timer kept going and I did teleport.
Never mind! I made some new code and it worked, it looks like this

command /lobby:
  aliases: /hub
    if {hub::%player%} is not true:
      set {hub::%player%} to true
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &aTeleporting to lobby! Don't move!"
      execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 3"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
      wait 1 second
      if {hub::%player%} is true:
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 2"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
        wait 1 second
        if {hub::%player%} is true:
          execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleporting in 1"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
          wait 1 second
          if {hub::%player%} is true:
            execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleported!"",""color"":""aqua"",""bold"":true}"
            execute command "/mvtp %player% world"
            set {hub::%player%} to false
            execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleportation Canceled!"",""color"":""red"",""bold"":true}"
            send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cTeleportation canceled because you moved!" to player
          execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleportation Canceled!"",""color"":""red"",""bold"":true}"
          send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cTeleportation canceled because you moved!" to player
        execute command "/title %player% actionbar {""text"":""Teleportation Canceled!"",""color"":""red"",""bold"":true}"
        send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cTeleportation canceled because you moved!" to player
      send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &cYou are already teleporting!" to player

on player move:
  if {hub::%player%} is true:
    clear {hub::%player%}