Solved Cancel rename specific item in an anvil

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Uno second
on inventory click:
    event-inventory's type is anvil inventory
    if event-item's name is "a":
        cancel event
        close player's inventory
        send "&cYou can't rename this item!"

on inventory click:
    event-inventory's type is anvil inventory

    set {_slot1} to slot 0 of event-inventory
    set {_slot2} to slot 1 of event-inventory
    set {_slot3} to slot 2 of event-inventory
    set {_eslot} to index of event-slot
    if {_eslot} is 2:
        if {_slot1}'s name is "BlackListedName":
            cancel event
            send "&cYou cant rename this item!"

        else if {_slot3}'s name is "BlackListedName":
            cancel event
            send "&cYou cant rename the item to this!"
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Uno second
on inventory click:
    event-inventory's type is anvil inventory
    if event-item's name is "a":
        cancel event
        close player's inventory
        send "&cYou can't rename this item!"

on inventory click:
    event-inventory's type is anvil inventory

    set {_slot1} to slot 0 of event-inventory
    set {_slot2} to slot 1 of event-inventory
    set {_slot3} to slot 2 of event-inventory
    set {_eslot} to index of event-slot
    if {_eslot} is 2:
        if {_slot1}'s name is "BlackListedName":
            cancel event
            send "&cYou cant rename this item!"

        else if {_slot3}'s name is "BlackListedName":
            cancel event
            send "&cYou cant rename the item to this!"

I did it like this, seems to work... thanks :emoji_slight_smile:

on anvil prepare:
    if event-item's lore contains "&9Custom-Item":
        send "&a&lSYSTEM &8▪ &7Du darfst dieses Item nicht umbenennen bzw&8. &7verzaubern&8, &7da es sich anscheinend um ein Custom&8-&7Item handelt&8."
        close player's inventory
I did it like this, seems to work... thanks :emoji_slight_smile:

on anvil prepare:
    if event-item's lore contains "&9Custom-Item":
        send "&a&lSYSTEM &8▪ &7Du darfst dieses Item nicht umbenennen bzw&8. &7verzaubern&8, &7da es sich anscheinend um ein Custom&8-&7Item handelt&8."
        close player's inventory
or so yes
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