cancel event wont work

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New Member
Oct 20, 2024
right click on player:
name of entity = "deneme"
if player has skull:
cancel event
message "&cYou can't use that weapon" to player

chance of 0%:
message "1" to player

chance of 0%:
message "2" to player

chance of 0%:
message "3" to player

chance of 100%:
apply potion of slowness of tier 1 to player for 1 seconds
give 1 of skull of "Box_o" parsed as offline player named "Box_o" to player
wait 30 second
remove skull from player's inventory
Hey, try this code:

right click on player:
  player's tool is not air:
    name of entity = "deneme"
    set {_tool} to player's tool
    {_tool} is skull:
      cancel event
      message "&cYou can't use that weapon" to player
      chance of 1%:
        message "1" to player
      chance of 2%:
        message "2" to player
      chance of 3%:
        message "3" to player
      chance of 100%:
        apply potion of slowness of tier 1 to player for 1 seconds
        give 1 of skull of "Box_o" parsed as offline player named "Box_o" to player
        wait 30 second
        loop all items in player's inventory:
          "%loop-value%" is "Box_o":
            remove loop-item from inventory of player
Hey, try this code:

right click on player:
  player's tool is not air:
    name of entity = "deneme"
    set {_tool} to player's tool
    {_tool} is skull:
      cancel event
      message "&cYou can't use that weapon" to player
      chance of 1%:
        message "1" to player
      chance of 2%:
        message "2" to player
      chance of 3%:
        message "3" to player
      chance of 100%:
        apply potion of slowness of tier 1 to player for 1 seconds
        give 1 of skull of "Box_o" parsed as offline player named "Box_o" to player
        wait 30 second
        loop all items in player's inventory:
          "%loop-value%" is "Box_o":
            remove loop-item from inventory of player
thank you for this but it doesnt work
Remove it in the code
right click on player:
name of entity = "deneme"
if player has skull:
remove skull from player's inventory
cancel event
set {_chance} to a random integer between 1 and 100
if {_chance} is between 1 and 50:
give player skull of "MHF_ArrowDown" parsed as offline player named "&f1"
if {_chance} is between 51 and 100:
give player skull of "MHF_ArrowDown" parsed as offline player named "&f2"

right click on player:
name of entity = "1 musteri"
remove skull named "&f1" from player's inventory

i need to remove like this
right click on player:
  name of entity = "deneme"
  "%name of player's tool%" is "&f1":
    remove event-item from player's inventory
    cancel event
    set {_chance} to a random integer between 1 and 100
    if {_chance} is between 1 and 50:
      give player skull of "MHF_ArrowDown" parsed as offline player named "&f1"
    if {_chance} is between 51 and 100:
      give player skull of "MHF_ArrowDown" parsed as offline player named "&f2"

right click on player:
  name of entity = "1 musteri"
  loop all items in player's inventory:
    "%loop-value%" is "&f1":
      remove loop-item from inventory of player

This code works for me