what do you mean by "minutes"? If you're talking about the current minutes then yes, you can in the following way:
set {_minutes} to minutes from date now
set {_minutes} to minutes
#Umbaska 3
set {_minutes} to minutes of now
#Vanilla Skript
#You would have to change this adjusting it to the format you have in your config.sk
#The following uses the default one
set {_time::*} to ("%now%") parsed as "%number%/%number%/%number% %number%:%number%"
set {_minutes} to {_time::4}
#Vanilla Skript Nº2
set {_time::*} to split "%now%" by " "
#Again, you would change this dependant of your config.sk, this one uses the default format
set {_hour::*} to split {_time::2} by ":"
set {_minutes} to {_hour::1} parsed as number
But if you're talking about, minutes, like timespan, it's as simply as do:
set {_minutes} to 5 minutes #Can be how many minutes you want it to be.