Solved Buy Max Option

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Jun 9, 2021
Im making a clicker server, where you can buy upgrades. But when you have alot of points, you need to click so much on the upgrade. I want you to make a buy max thingy where you can instantly buy the upgrades that you afford. Like: You have 1b points and the upgrade costs 1m points, so you will need to click 1000 times. But i want to make it so you can buy that 1000 instantly with 1 click. If you can make it, then please. Thanks!

My points var: {%player%.points} || The points per click var (what you buy with the upgrade): {%player%.pointsperclick}
not sure if it works tho
command /setpoints <offline player> <integer>:
    set {POINTS::%player's uuid%} to arg-2

command /setprice <integer> <integer>:
    set {UPGRADEPRICE::%arg-1%} to arg-2

command /upgrade [<text>]:
    set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
    set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
    if {_y} is less than or equal to 0:
      add 1 to {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
      remove {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} from {POINTS::%player's uuid%}

command /maxupgrade [<text>]:
      set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
      set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
      while {_y} is less than or equal to 0:
          add 1 to {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
          remove {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} from {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
          set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
          set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
      wait 1 tick

the current level/upgrade: {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
the current points of the player: {POINTS::%player's uuid%}

upgrade one level with /upgrade
upgrade all available levels with /maxupgrade

you have to set the price of the upgrades with /setprice <level> <price>
you have to convert your old variables into the new ones
you have to add a multiplier to your on click event thing
not sure if it works tho
command /setpoints <offline player> <integer>:
    set {POINTS::%player's uuid%} to arg-2

command /setprice <integer> <integer>:
    set {UPGRADEPRICE::%arg-1%} to arg-2

command /upgrade [<text>]:
    set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
    set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
    if {_y} is less than or equal to 0:
      add 1 to {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
      remove {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} from {POINTS::%player's uuid%}

command /maxupgrade [<text>]:
      set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
      set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
      while {_y} is less than or equal to 0:
          add 1 to {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
          remove {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} from {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
          set {_x} to {POINTS::%player's uuid%} + 1
          set {_y} to {UPGRADEPRICE::%{_x}%} - {POINTS::%player's uuid%}
      wait 1 tick

the current level/upgrade: {LEVEL::%player's uuid%}
the current points of the player: {POINTS::%player's uuid%}

upgrade one level with /upgrade
upgrade all available levels with /maxupgrade

you have to set the price of the upgrades with /setprice <level> <price>
you have to convert your old variables into the new ones
you have to add a multiplier to your on click event thing
thanks, ill test it :emoji_wink:
thanks, ill test it :emoji_wink:
i tested, and it crashes the server when i have alot of points