/buy command

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Sep 2, 2020
Category: Shop

Suggested name: shop command

Spigot/Skript Version: latest

What I want:
When i do /buy (Item name) it will take the money from my balance and give me the item(with commands if possible). If I don't have the amount, it will simply message me that I don't have enough. No GUI

Ideas for commands:
/buy (item name)

Ideas for permissions:
no permission

When I'd like it by:

If the item you want to buy costs 100...
command /buy [<text>] [<text>]:
    set {_buyitem} to arg 1
    set {_amount} to arg 2
    set {_bal::%player%} to balance of player
    if {_bal::%player%} is larger than 99:
        give player {_amount} of {_buyitem} to player
        message "You bought %{_amount}% %{_buyitem}%!" to player
        subtract 100 from balance of player
        clear {_buyitem}
        clear {_amount}
    else if {_bal::%player%} is smaller than 100:
        message "You don't have enough money." to player
        clear {_buyitem}
        clear {_amount}