How can i do it that my coins skript works on every server so what i mean is when i upload my coins skript on the skungee script folder and i do on server 1 /coins then it says you have 1$ but when I do /coins on server 2 i have 5$ how can i do it that i have 1 ammount on every server pls help
Money Skript
Money Skript
noperms: &8[&eMoney&8] &cYou don't have enough permissions.
{money.%player%} = 0
every 3 ticks:
loop all players:
if {money.%loop-player%} > 1000000000:
set {money.%loop-player%} to 1000000000
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You can't have more than &a$1000000000" to loop-player
command /coins [<text>] [<offlineplayer>] [<integer>]:
aliases: money, balance
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You have &a$%{money.%player%}%"
if player has permission "modify.coins":
if arg-1 is "remove":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 3 is 0:
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You can't remove &2%arg-2% &a$0" to sender
remove arg 3 from {money.%arg 2%}
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You removed &a$%arg 3% from &2%arg 2%" to sender
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7Your account balance has been reduced by &a$%arg 3%" to arg-2
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins remove &7player &cammount"
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins remove &cplayer &7ammount"
if arg-1 is "add":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 3 is 0:
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You can't give &2%arg-2% &a$0" to sender
add arg 3 to {money.%arg 2%}
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You added &a$%arg 3% &7to &2%arg 2%" to sender
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You became &a$%arg 3% &7your new balance is &a$%{money.%arg-2%}%" to arg-2
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins add &7player &cammount"
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins add &cplayer &7ammount"
if arg-1 is "set":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
set {money.%arg 2%} to arg 3
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You have set the money from &2%arg 2% &7to &a$%arg 3%&7." to sender
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7Your balance has been set to &a$%{money.%arg-2%}%" to arg-2
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins set &7player &cammount"
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins set &cplayer &7ammount"
if arg-1 is "reset":
if arg 2 is set:
set {money.%arg 2%} to 0
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You reset the money from &c%arg-2%" to sender
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7Your balance has been reset to &a$%{money.%arg-2%}%" to arg-2
send "&6&lSystem&8: &7/Coins &7reset &cplayer"
send "&6&lSystem&8: &cYou don't have the permission" to sender
#command /pay [<player>] [<integer>]:
# trigger:
# if arg 1 is not set:
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &cUsage: /pay <player> <amount>" to sender
# stop
# if arg 1 is "%sender%":
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &cYou can not send yourself money." to sender
# stop
# if arg 2 is not set:
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &cUsage: /pay <player> <amount>" to sender
# stop
# if arg 2 is set:
# if arg 2 is less than 1:
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &cYou can not send less than 0 money to someone." to sender
# if arg 2 is bigger than 0:
# if arg 2 is less than {money.%sender%} +1:
# add arg 2 to {money.%arg 1%}
# remove arg 2 from {money.%sender%}
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &7You have paid &c%arg 1% $%arg 2%&7." to sender
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &c%sender% &7has paid you &c$%arg 2%&7." to arg 1
# else:
# send "&6&lSystem&8: &cYou can not send more money to someone like you." to sender
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