I did everything i had to do but it still doesnt work for me...
My bungeecord config:
# SkellettCord config file
# The port must match the port in the SkellettProxy.yml from Skellett on servers connected to this Bungee.
version: "1.2.8"
debug: false
Port: 7731
# If a spigot server fails to send a packet to SkellettProxy.
# How many trys should be allowed before claiming that server as offline.
AllowedTrys: 3
# If a spigot server goes unresponsive and this is true, SkellettProxy will stop tracking it.
# This will throw a harmless error in your console everytime a server goes unresponsive though.
DisableTracking: false
# If you have scripts in the folder plugins/SkellettProxy/scripts/
# SkellettProxy will relay these scripts to all connected servers.
# This acts like global scripts to keep all servers up to date.
# All connected servers need to have the "events" option enabled in the SkellettProxy settings.
Enabled: true
My server config:
# Skellett the addon with the beast name!
# By LimeGlass
# The Host must be the main IP of the BungeeCord that is hosting SkellettProxy.
# If the bungeecord and this server are on the same machine, you can leave it as localhost.
# The port must match the same port that is in the SkellettProxy config.
SkellettProxy: true
Host: localhost
Port: 7731
Heartbeat: 50
Disconnect: true
Events: true
EventPort: 7332
GlobalScriptReloadMessage: true
I have Localhost as host because it is all hosted on the same VPS.
And i have skript code:
command /test:
send "%player%" to bungeecord server "lobby2"
Can u maybe see what i did wrong?
I allready tried to do it with WildSkript, I have this code:
command /lobby2:
bungeecord connect "%player%" to "lobby2"
But when i reload the skript in the server i get
this error