Bungeecord Skript (like to the bungeecord plugin folder)

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New Member
Feb 21, 2017
The title says it self. i want to have skript on bungeecord so alle the servers can do the same stuff..
Not possible without a crap ton of recoding. Just use one of the 4+ addons that allow communications to the Bungeecord. I suggest using SkellettProxy or PurpleIRC to communicate between your servers.
PurpleIRC? Seriously? Just recommend BungeeMaster, God.
Have you ever used PurpleIRC? No? So you can't say much, you can do hundreds of things with it, creating communication between servers casting things between. Super good add-on. I'm not going to recommend something that has a laggy while code and limited access ability.
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Have you ever used PurpleIRC? No? So you can't say much, you can do hundreds of things with it, creating communication between servers casting things between. Super good add-on. I'm not going to recommend something that has a laggy while code and limited access ability.
Have you used BungeeMaster? No? So you can't say much. Also, your statement is invalid as hell, you aren't gonna recommend something that has laggy code and limited access ability yet you recommend your buggy addon? Don't make me laugh please.

PurpleIRC is a connection between IRC and Minecraft, just the same way Vixio is to Discord and Minecraft. And what does IRC means? Internet Relay Chat, yeah, sure I could use it to do what you said but that isn't what's used for, you're better off recommending MundoSK sockets before PurpleIRC, because a connection through various server is the least thing you would do with PurpleIRC.

And rating my post funny doesn't make you look any better, it's just childish from my point of view; what's this? SpigotMC?
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Have you used BungeeMaster? No? So you can't say much. Also, your statement is invalid as hell, you aren't gonna recommend something that has laggy code and limited access ability yet you recommend your buggy addon? Don't make me laugh please.

PurpleIRC is a connection between IRC and Minecraft, just the same way Vixio is to Discord and Minecraft. And what does IRC means? Internet Relay Chat, yeah, sure I could use it to do what you said but that isn't what's used for, you're better off recommending MundoSK sockets before PurpleIRC, because a connection through various server is the least thing you would do with PurpleIRC.

Also, rating my post funny doesn't make you look any better, it's just childish from my point of view; what's this? SpigotMC?
It's because limeglass is critical of literally any addon that """threatens""" his own
PurpleIRC is a pretty good one. My friend manages his network of 7ish servers. Including a modded server which Skript can't get into but IRC can.

You can contact Griffin on the forums or on discord in his channel on Skript-Chat and I'm sure he can help with anything you need. It has the possibility to do anything cross servers.