#This skript is made by MightyTiger
prefix: &9&lAppolloboxx
shark: &9&lShark &bBoss
devil: &4&lDevil &cBoss
darkknight: &5&lDarkKnight &dboss
sandstormer: &6SandStormer &eBoss
#item drops
sharkdrop: prismarine crystals named "&b&lShark Fragment"
sharkdropname: &b&lShark Fragment
devildrop: prismarine crystals named "&c&lA piece of the devil"
devildropname: &c&lA piece of the devil
darkknightdrop: prismarine crystals named "&d&lMagic bone"
darkknightdropname: &d&lMagic bone
sandstormerdrop: prismarine crystals named "&e&lA piece of sand"
sandstormerdropname: &e&lA piece of sand
command /bosshelp:
permission: help.bosses
permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
set {global.event.spawn} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7BossHelp."
send "&bhelp &8» &7/bosshelp"
send "&bbosslist &8» &7/bosslist"
send "&blocation bosses &8» &7/setbosslocation <bossname>"
send "&benable a boss &8» &7/enableboss <bossname>"
send "&bdisable a boss &8» &7/disableboss <bossname>"
command /bosslist:
permission: moblist.bosses
permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
set {global.event.spawn} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7BossList."
send "&bBosslist"
send "&8- &7Shark"
send "&8- &7Devil"
send "&8- &7DarkKnight"
send "&8- &7Sandstormer"
command /setbosslocation [<text>]:
permission: setlocation.bosses
permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
if arg 1 is "shark":
set {boss.shark.location} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@shark} &7has been set."
if arg 1 is "devil":
set {boss.devil.location} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@devil} &7has been set."
if arg 1 is "darkknight":
set {boss.darkknight.location} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@darkknight} &7has been set."
if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
set {boss.sandstormer.location} to player's position
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The location for the {@sandstormer} &7has been set."
command /enableboss [<text>]:
permission: enable.bosses
permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
if arg 1 is "shark":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@shark}&7 is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
set {spawn.shark} to true
if arg 1 is "devil":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@devil} &7is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
set {spawn.devil} to true
if arg 1 is "darkknight":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@darkknight}&7 is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
set {spawn.darkknight} to true
if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The boss {@sandstormer} is &benabled &7and now spawns every 10 Min."
set {spawn.sandstormer} to true
command /disableboss [<text>]:
permission: enable.bosses
permission message: {@prefix} &8» &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &8» &7You used the command wrong type /bosshelp for info."
if arg 1 is "shark":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@shark}&7 is now &bdisabled."
set {spawn.shark} to false
if arg 1 is "devil":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@devil}&7 is now &bdisabled."
set {spawn.devil} to false
if arg 1 is "darkknight":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@darkknight}&7 is now &bdisabled."
set {spawn.darkknight} to false
if arg 1 is "sandstormer":
send "{@prefix} &8» &7The {@sandstormer}&7 is now &bdisabled."
set {spawn.sandstormer} to false
every 10 minutes in "world":
while {spawn.shark} is true:
spawn zombie at {boss.shark.location}
# helmet
set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
# chestplate
set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
dye {_chestplate} blue
set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
# leggings
set {_leggings} to leather leggings
dye {_leggings} blue
set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
# boots
set {_boots} to leather boots
dye {_boots} blue
set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
set health of last spawned zombie to 40
set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@shark}"
apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
every 10 minutes in "world":
while {spawn.devil} is true:
spawn zombie at {boss.devil.location}
# helmet
set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
# chestplate
set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
dye {_chestplate} red
set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
# leggings
set {_leggings} to leather leggings
dye {_leggings} red
set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
# boots
set {_boots} to leather boots
dye {_boots} red
set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
set health of last spawned zombie to 40
set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@devil}"
apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
every 10 minutes in "world":
while {spawn.darkknight} is true:
spawn zombie at {boss.darkknight.location}
# helmet
set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
# chestplate
set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
dye {_chestplate} black
set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
# leggings
set {_leggings} to leather leggings
dye {_leggings} black
set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
# boots
set {_boots} to leather boots
dye {_boots} black
set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
set health of last spawned zombie to 40
set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@darkknight}"
apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
every 10 minutes in "world":
while {spawn.sandstormer} is true:
spawn zombie at {boss.sandstormer.location}
# helmet
set last spawned zombie's helmet to skull of ("builder4live" parsed as offline player)
# chestplate
set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate
dye {_chestplate} yellow
set chestplate of last spawned zombie to {_chestplate}
# leggings
set {_leggings} to leather leggings
dye {_leggings} yellow
set leggings of last spawned zombie to {_leggings}
# boots
set {_boots} to leather boots
dye {_boots} yellow
set boots of last spawned zombie to {_boots}
set tool of last spawned zombie to diamond axe of sharpness 10
set max health of last spawned zombie to 40
set health of last spawned zombie to 40
set displayname of last spawned zombie to "{@sandstormer}"
apply strength 4 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
on death:
if name of victim is "{@shark}":
clear the drops
set {_drop} to glowing {@sharkdrop}
drop {_drop} at victim's location
on death:
if name of victim is "{@devil}":
clear the drops
set {_drop} to glowing {@devildrop}
drop {_drop} at victim's location
on death:
if name of victim is "{@darkknight}":
clear the drops
set {_drop} to glowing {@darkknightdrop}
drop {_drop} at victim's location
on death:
if name of victim is "{@sandstormer":
clear the drops
set {_drop} to glowing {@sandstormerdrop}
drop {_drop} at victim's location
that link above here is my skript
its a boss system i made but its has worked but now i changed it a bit and the bosses wont spawn and i dont now how i did it last time so anyone who sees what is wrong