Blocking "/<tab>" in skript

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Feb 1, 2017
Is there a way to block the feature in Minecraft where if you type in chat "/" and then press tab. I want to disable this because people can see my plugins/commands. Also, i tried a lot of anti tab plugins, and if i try to do something like "/message <tab (to see players name)> " nothing will happen because it blocks every tab feature.
How do make it only block "/<tab>"
Use MundoSK's tab complete event and check the event-string to see if the string they're tab-completing just the slash, and if so cancel it (or if it doesn't let you cancel, just clear the completions).
Okay, so i Did this:

on chat tab complete:
    clear completions

No errors in console.
When i go in game and do "/<tab>" it doesn't block it.
How do i add this so it will block "/<tab>"
Why not just go through your spigot.yml and change the value of tab-complete to 0?
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Why not just go to your spigot.yml and change the value of tab-complete to 0?
It is at 0 and i can still tab complete
Why not just go through your spigot.yml and change the value of tab-complete to 0?

Change the tab-complete of your spigot.yml to 1, not to 0.
0 is default and activates that. (Don't ask me why 1, in binary it stands for activated lol)
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Change the tab-complete of your spigot.yml to 1, not to 0.
0 is default and activates that. (Don't ask me why 1, in binary it stands for activated lol)
Alright, but i wish i could do in it Skript and only with the command "/" so in like /Message i can still tab people's names
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