Solved Better looking timespan

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2017
So I want timespan to be display as Hh:Mm:Ss

set {timespan} to now

send "%difference between now and {timespan}%"

would show (For example): 1 minutes and 3 seconds.

would like to display it like: 00:01:03 instead of 1 minutes and 3 seconds.
Alright here's my code, I never done any time related stuff, so it's gonna look messy probably :/

on skript load:
    set {restart::timer} to now formatted human-readable
every 1 second:
    set {_diff} to difference between {restart::timer} and now
    if {_diff} is 1 hour:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c3 HOURS.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 2 hour:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c2 HOURS.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c1 HOUR.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 55 minutes:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c5 MINUTES.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 57 minutes:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c3 MINUTES..&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 58 minutes:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c2 MINUTE.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c1 MINUTE.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes and 30 seconds:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c30 SECONDS.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes and 50 seconds:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c10 SECOND.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes and 57 seconds:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c3 SECOND.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes and 58 seconds:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c2 SECOND.&e&l'"
    else if {_diff} is 3 hours and 59 minutes and 59 seconds:
        broadcast "&4&l(!) &e&lSERVER RESTARTING IN '&c1 SECOND.&e&l'"
        execute console command "restart"
command /nextrestart:
        set {_time} to difference between {restart::timer} and now
        send "&e&l(!) &2Next Restart: &a&l%difference between 4 hours and {_time}%" to player
the formatted time expression returns a string not a timespan, use it when you want to broadcast the time not when youre setting the var
the formatted time expression returns a string not a timespan, use it when you want to broadcast the time not when youre setting the var
command /nextrestart:
        set {_time} to difference between {restart::timer} and now
        set {_now} to difference between 4 hours and {_time}
        send "&e&l(!) &2Next Restart: &a&l%{_now} formatted human-readable%" to player

returns none, but returns time when formatted human-readable is removed.
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oops i forgot its for formatting dates not timespans
function getTimeString(time: timespan) :: string:
    set {_hours} to floor({_time}.getMilliSeconds() / 3600000)
    set {_minutes} to floor(mod({_time}.getMilliSeconds() / 60000, 60))
    set {_seconds} to floor(mod({_time}.getMilliSeconds() / 1000, 60))
    set {_hours} to "%{_hours}%" if {_hours} is greater than 9 else ("0%{_hours}%")
    set {_minutes} to "%{_minutes}%" if {_minutes} is greater than 9 else ("0%{_minutes}%")
    set {_seconds} to "%{_seconds}%" if {_seconds} is greater than 9 else ("0%{_seconds}%")
    return "%{_hours}%::%{_minutes}%::%{_seconds}%"
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