I made command /stats, and the only thing that is not working is best_killstreak. No error when reloading skript.
/stats command in game
on first join:
set {ab::%uuid of player%::killstreak} to 0
set {ab::%uuid of player%::kills_total} to 0
set {ab::%uuid of player%::deaths} to 0
set {ab::%uuid of player%::kills} to 0
set {ab::%uuid of player%::best_killstreak} to 0
on death of player:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
add 1 to {ab::%uuid of attacker%::kills}
add 1 to {ab::%uuid of victim%::deaths}
add 1 to {ab::%uuid of attacker%::kills_total}
add 1 to {ab::%uuid of attacker%::killstreak}
if {ab::%uuid of attacker%::killstreak} is greater than {ab::%uuid of attacker%::best_killstreak}:
set {ab::%uuid of attacker%::killstreak} to {ab::%uuid of attacker%::best_killstreak}
remove 1 from {players.online}
set {ab::%uuid of victim%::killstreak} to 0
command /stats:
executable by: players
send "&8&l------&6&lSinun tilastot&8&l------"
send "&aKills: &f%{ab::%uuid of player%::kills_total}%"
send "&cDeaths: &f%{ab::%uuid of player%::deaths}%"
send "&dK/D: &f%{ab::%uuid of player%::kills_total}/{ab::%uuid of player%::deaths}%"
send "&6Best Killstreak: &f%{ab::%uuid of player%::best_killstreak}%"