Basic superpowers that I can't quite figure out

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Dec 4, 2023
I was just trying to make a skript that impliments basic superpowers but Skript keeps tweaking and it doesn't want to work
#It keeps tweaking with indentation and it won't summon particles correctly

command /permissions <remove|add> <player> <permission>:
    permission: op
    permission message: "You must be an op to change player's permissions."
    executable by: console and players
        if %arg-1% is "remove":
            remove %arg-3% from %arg-2%'s permissions
        else if %arg-1% is "add"
            add %arg-3% to %arg-2%'s permissions

command /truepotential
    Permission: Octoling
    permission message:you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential"

command /et
    permission: Alien
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&aAlien Strength"

command /endersgame
    permission: Enderman
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&5End's Blessing"

command /isildur
    permission: Ranger
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"

command /phasmophobia
    permission: Ghost
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal"

command /fireman
    permission: Flame
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Flame Crystal"

command /resonance
    permission: CYB
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named ""
On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if name of player is "Cheesetheocto":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential":
                push the player up 10 blocks
                summon 20 of crit at the player
                push the player down 10 blocks
                summon 50 of wax_on at the player with delta 5
                loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
                        damage loop-entity by 10 with fake cause a falling block

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "RiddleMeSilly":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&aAlien Strength":
                summon 20 of glow at the player
                apply strength 4 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply absorption 10 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply speed 2 to the player for 30 seconds

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Nerdify_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&5End's Blessing":
                summon 20 of portal at the player
                teleport player 30 meters in front of the player
                summon 20 of portal at the player

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Thearcherr21":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"
                push the player up 20 blocks
                make the player invisible
                apply effect slow falling for 20 seconds
                summon 20 of poof at the player
                wait 20 seconds
                make the player visible
                summon 20 of poof at the player

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
         if the name of the player is "Gambiina_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal":
                set the player's gamemode to spectator
                summon 10 of scrape at player
                wait 10 seconds
                set the player's gamemode to survival
                summon 10 of wax_off at player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "barkbark911":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Flame Essence"
                summon 1 fireball 1 block in front of the player
on load:
    if the player is named "barkbark911":
        apply fire_resistance for 1000000000000 seconds

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "CYB_Pendulum":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&fCYB_RESONANCE"
                push player forwards at speed 2
on flight toggle:
    if player is named "CYB_Pendulum"
        player's gamemode is not creative:
            cancel event
            wait a tick
            set player's flight state to false
            push player upwards at speed 0.8
            push player forwards at speed 0.8
on damage:
    damage cause is fall:
        if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
            cancel event

on damage:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is holding a written book named "&4Tome of Removal":
            apply levitation to victim for 5 seconds
            wait 3 seconds
            summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
            kill victim
            make console execute command "/gamemode spectator %victim%"
            broadcast "&4%victim% has been expended"
            remove 1 written book named "&4Tome of Removal" from attacker's inventory

on right click:
    if player is holding a written book named "&1Tome of Revival":
        summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
        summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
        make console execute command "/gamemode survival @a"
        broadcast "&2The expended have risen"
I was just trying to make a skript that impliments basic superpowers but Skript keeps tweaking and it doesn't want to work
#It keeps tweaking with indentation and it won't summon particles correctly

command /permissions <remove|add> <player> <permission>:
    permission: op
    permission message: "You must be an op to change player's permissions."
    executable by: console and players
        if %arg-1% is "remove":
            remove %arg-3% from %arg-2%'s permissions
        else if %arg-1% is "add"
            add %arg-3% to %arg-2%'s permissions

command /truepotential
    Permission: Octoling
    permission message:you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential"

command /et
    permission: Alien
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&aAlien Strength"

command /endersgame
    permission: Enderman
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&5End's Blessing"

command /isildur
    permission: Ranger
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"

command /phasmophobia
    permission: Ghost
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal"

command /fireman
    permission: Flame
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Flame Crystal"

command /resonance
    permission: CYB
    permission message: you do not have permission
        give the player 1 emerald named ""
On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if name of player is "Cheesetheocto":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential":
                push the player up 10 blocks
                summon 20 of crit at the player
                push the player down 10 blocks
                summon 50 of wax_on at the player with delta 5
                loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
                        damage loop-entity by 10 with fake cause a falling block

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "RiddleMeSilly":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&aAlien Strength":
                summon 20 of glow at the player
                apply strength 4 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply absorption 10 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply speed 2 to the player for 30 seconds

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Nerdify_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&5End's Blessing":
                summon 20 of portal at the player
                teleport player 30 meters in front of the player
                summon 20 of portal at the player

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Thearcherr21":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"
                push the player up 20 blocks
                make the player invisible
                apply effect slow falling for 20 seconds
                summon 20 of poof at the player
                wait 20 seconds
                make the player visible
                summon 20 of poof at the player

On swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
         if the name of the player is "Gambiina_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal":
                set the player's gamemode to spectator
                summon 10 of scrape at player
                wait 10 seconds
                set the player's gamemode to survival
                summon 10 of wax_off at player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "barkbark911":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Flame Essence"
                summon 1 fireball 1 block in front of the player
on load:
    if the player is named "barkbark911":
        apply fire_resistance for 1000000000000 seconds

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "CYB_Pendulum":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&fCYB_RESONANCE"
                push player forwards at speed 2
on flight toggle:
    if player is named "CYB_Pendulum"
        player's gamemode is not creative:
            cancel event
            wait a tick
            set player's flight state to false
            push player upwards at speed 0.8
            push player forwards at speed 0.8
on damage:
    damage cause is fall:
        if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
            cancel event

on damage:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is holding a written book named "&4Tome of Removal":
            apply levitation to victim for 5 seconds
            wait 3 seconds
            summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
            kill victim
            make console execute command "/gamemode spectator %victim%"
            broadcast "&4%victim% has been expended"
            remove 1 written book named "&4Tome of Removal" from attacker's inventory

on right click:
    if player is holding a written book named "&1Tome of Revival":
        summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
        summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
        make console execute command "/gamemode survival @a"
        broadcast "&2The expended have risen"
I think I might be able to help. I refined your code a little bit. Try this and if it doesn't work, give me the error message and i'll fix it.
This has not been tested in game, but when I get back home I will test it.

#It keeps tweaking with indentation and it won't summon particles correctly

command /permissions <text> <player> <text>:
    permission: op
    permission message: "You must be an op to change player's permissions."
    executable by: console and players
        if arg-1 is "remove":
            remove arg-3 from arg-2's permissions
        else if arg-1 is "add"
            add arg-3 to arg-2's permissions

command /truepotential:
    permission: Octoling
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential"

command /et:
    permission: Alien
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&aAlien Strength"

command /endersgame:
    permission: Enderman
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&5End's Blessing"

command /isildur:
    permission: Ranger
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"

command /phasmophobia:
    permission: Ghost
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal"

command /fireman:
    permission: Flame
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Flame Crystal"

command /resonance:
    permission: CYB
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named " "

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if name of player is "Cheesetheocto":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential":
                push the player up 10 blocks
                summon 20 of crit at the player
                push the player down 10 blocks
                summon 50 of wax_on at the player with delta 5
                loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
                        damage loop-entity by 10 with fake cause a falling block

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "RiddleMeSilly":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&aAlien Strength":
                summon 20 of glow at the player
                apply strength 4 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply absorption 10 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply speed 2 to the player for 30 seconds

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Nerdify_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&5End's Blessing":
                summon 20 of portal at the player
                teleport player 30 meters in front of the player
                summon 20 of portal at the player

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Thearcherr21":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"
                push the player up 20 blocks
                make the player invisible
                apply effect slow falling for 20 seconds
                summon 20 of poof at the player
                wait 20 seconds
                make the player visible
                summon 20 of poof at the player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
         if the name of the player is "Gambiina_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal":
                set the player's gamemode to spectator
                summon 10 of scrape at player
                wait 10 seconds
                set the player's gamemode to survival
                summon 10 of wax_off at player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "barkbark911":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Flame Essence"
                summon 1 fireball 1 block in front of the player
on load:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is named "barkbark911":
            apply fire resistance of tier 5 to player for 10 years

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "CYB_Pendulum":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&fCYB_RESONANCE"
                push player forwards at speed 2
on flight toggle:
    if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
        player's gamemode is not creative:
            cancel event
            wait a tick
            set player's flight state to false
            push player upwards at speed 0.8
            push player forwards at speed 0.8
on damage:
    damage cause is fall:
        if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
            cancel event

on damage:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is holding a written book named "&4Tome of Removal":
            apply levitation to victim for 5 seconds
            wait 3 seconds
            summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
            kill victim
            set vicitm's gamemode to survival
            broadcast "&4%victim% has been expended"
            remove 1 written book named "&4Tome of Removal" from attacker's inventory

on right click:
    if player is holding a written book named "&1Tome of Revival":
        summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
        summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
        make console execute command "/gamemode survival @a"
        broadcast "&2The expended have risen"
I think I might be able to help. I refined your code a little bit. Try this and if it doesn't work, give me the error message and i'll fix it.
This has not been tested in game, but when I get back home I will test it.

#It keeps tweaking with indentation and it won't summon particles correctly

command /permissions <text> <player> <text>:
    permission: op
    permission message: "You must be an op to change player's permissions."
    executable by: console and players
        if arg-1 is "remove":
            remove arg-3 from arg-2's permissions
        else if arg-1 is "add"
            add arg-3 to arg-2's permissions

command /truepotential:
    permission: Octoling
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential"

command /et:
    permission: Alien
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&aAlien Strength"

command /endersgame:
    permission: Enderman
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&5End's Blessing"

command /isildur:
    permission: Ranger
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"

command /phasmophobia:
    permission: Ghost
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal"

command /fireman:
    permission: Flame
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named "&4Flame Crystal"

command /resonance:
    permission: CYB
    permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command! If you think this was a mistake, please report this error code to a server administrator. &4ERRCODE ("
        give the player 1 emerald named " "

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if name of player is "Cheesetheocto":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&eCheese's True Potential":
                push the player up 10 blocks
                summon 20 of crit at the player
                push the player down 10 blocks
                summon 50 of wax_on at the player with delta 5
                loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
                        damage loop-entity by 10 with fake cause a falling block

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "RiddleMeSilly":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&aAlien Strength":
                summon 20 of glow at the player
                apply strength 4 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply absorption 10 to the player for 30 seconds
                apply speed 2 to the player for 30 seconds

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Nerdify_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&5End's Blessing":
                summon 20 of portal at the player
                teleport player 30 meters in front of the player
                summon 20 of portal at the player

on swap hands:
    if player is sneaking:
        if the name of the player is "Thearcherr21":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Ranger's Escape"
                push the player up 20 blocks
                make the player invisible
                apply effect slow falling for 20 seconds
                summon 20 of poof at the player
                wait 20 seconds
                make the player visible
                summon 20 of poof at the player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
         if the name of the player is "Gambiina_":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal":
                set the player's gamemode to spectator
                summon 10 of scrape at player
                wait 10 seconds
                set the player's gamemode to survival
                summon 10 of wax_off at player

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "barkbark911":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&4Flame Essence"
                summon 1 fireball 1 block in front of the player
on load:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is named "barkbark911":
            apply fire resistance of tier 5 to player for 10 years

on swap hands:
    if the player is sneaking:
        if the player's name is "CYB_Pendulum":
            if the player is holding an emerald named "&fCYB_RESONANCE"
                push player forwards at speed 2
on flight toggle:
    if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
        player's gamemode is not creative:
            cancel event
            wait a tick
            set player's flight state to false
            push player upwards at speed 0.8
            push player forwards at speed 0.8
on damage:
    damage cause is fall:
        if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
            cancel event

on damage:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is holding a written book named "&4Tome of Removal":
            apply levitation to victim for 5 seconds
            wait 3 seconds
            summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
            kill victim
            set vicitm's gamemode to survival
            broadcast "&4%victim% has been expended"
            remove 1 written book named "&4Tome of Removal" from attacker's inventory

on right click:
    if player is holding a written book named "&1Tome of Revival":
        summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
        summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
        make console execute command "/gamemode survival @a"
        broadcast "&2The expended have risen"
alright, tysm
here are the errors, I'm running skript and skbee
[22:25:28 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 11: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 12 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: add arg-3 to arg-2's permissions
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 64: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 20 spaces, but found 24 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: damage loop-entity by 10 with fake cause a falling block
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 63: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: loop all entities in radius 5 around player:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 87: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: push the player up 20 blocks
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 88: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: make the player invisible
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 89: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: apply effect slow falling for 20 seconds
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 90: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 20 of poof at the player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 91: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: wait 20 seconds
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 92: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: make the player visible
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 93: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 20 of poof at the player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 97: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 9 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if the name of the player is "Gambiina_":
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 98: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 12 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if the player is holding an emerald named "&7Spirit Crystal":
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 99: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: set the player's gamemode to spectator
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 100: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 10 of scrape at player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 101: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: wait 10 seconds
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 102: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: set the player's gamemode to survival
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 103: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 10 of wax_off at player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 96: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if the player is sneaking:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 109: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 1 fireball 1 block in front of the player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 119: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     indentation error: expected 12 spaces, but found 16 spaces
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: push player forwards at speed 2
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 55: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 66: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 75: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 83: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 95: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 105: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 115: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this structure: on swap hands
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: on swap hands:
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 9: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     permissions of the 2nd argument can't have anything removed from it
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: remove arg-3 from arg-2's permissions
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 10: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this effect: else
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: else if arg-1 is "add"
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 112: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't compare a player with 'named "barkbark911"'
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if loop-player is named "barkbark911":
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 121: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't compare a player with 'named "CYB_Pendulum"'
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 130: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Use 'attacker' and/or 'victim' in damage/death events
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: if player is named "CYB_Pendulum":
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 139: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 50 of totem_of_undying at victim
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 141: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: set vicitm's gamemode to survival
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: set vicitm's gamemode to survival
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 147: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 40 of scrape at the player with delta of 10
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: Line 148: (
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Can't understand this condition/effect: summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
[22:25:28 INFO]:     Line: summon 20 of totem_of_undying at player
[22:25:28 INFO]: 
[22:25:28 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 34 errors while reloading! (381ms)
Alright, let me take a look. Also, if you'd like more direct contact, add me on discord.

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