I have been trying to make a Ban - System. But it won't work. I want it to work this way: If the player get ban for 2 days, and then get unban, and if he get ban again, then it will be 4 days. Automatic. Look at this skript, dont know what the problem is. Please help:
command /hack [<player>]:
permission: Mod.adgang
permission message: &cDu har ikke adgang til denne kommando.
make console execute command "/Manuaddp %player% Hack.1"
wait 5 ticks
if arg 1 is player:
make player execute command "/tempban %player% 1d &cHack &7(&a1.gang&7)"
if player has permission "hack.1":
make console execute command "/manudelp %player% hack.1"
wait 3 ticks
make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% hack.2"
wait 3 ticks
make player execute command "/tempban %player% 1d &cHack &7(&a2.gang&7)"