Category: Misc
Suggested name: AutoMiner
What I want:
Staff do /autominer give <username> to give that user a Dropper (named "&c&lAuto Miner") Users place that dropper, and whatever block is in front of the mouth of the Dropper, is automatically mined every second. The item is broken like Vanilla Minecraft. It's broken, the item is dropped.
Ideas for commands:
/autominer give <username> - Gives that user a Auto Miner.
Ideas for permissions:
autominer.admin - Access to /autominer give
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
Suggested name: AutoMiner
What I want:
Staff do /autominer give <username> to give that user a Dropper (named "&c&lAuto Miner") Users place that dropper, and whatever block is in front of the mouth of the Dropper, is automatically mined every second. The item is broken like Vanilla Minecraft. It's broken, the item is dropped.
Ideas for commands:
/autominer give <username> - Gives that user a Auto Miner.
Ideas for permissions:
autominer.admin - Access to /autominer give
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time