I'm new to skript and i can't seem to find any forums on boomerangs or much anything about armorstands... all i am trying to do is make it so that if you right click on a snowball it cancels the event and creates an armorstand that rotates and moves forward in the direction that you were facing when you threw the snowball.
i have skbee but i will install any other addons if needed.
all i'm asking for is a rough idea
Thank you!!
I'm new to skript and i can't seem to find any forums on boomerangs or much anything about armorstands... all i am trying to do is make it so that if you right click on a snowball it cancels the event and creates an armorstand that rotates and moves forward in the direction that you were facing when you threw the snowball.
i have skbee but i will install any other addons if needed.
all i'm asking for is a rough idea
Thank you!!