[C]I've looked everywhere across the internet and on the forums and I can't find anything on this. There aren't any tutorials for this and I'm just getting very confused. I just recently started scripting so I would love some help! Its Cave instead of skyblock since a new server with a new idea.
For the join segment, I've managed to get that much done and I'm at a loss of what to do now. I would really love some help but its fine if no one is able to do anything!
Edited it to make the code more readable
command /cave [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: cave.use
if arg 1 is not set:
if player has the permission "cave.create":
open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lCave Create" to player
format slot 13 of player with stone named "&b&lCreate A Cave" to run [command "cave create "]
if player has the permission "cave.gui":
open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lCave Settings" to player
format slot 13 of player with stone named "&b&lCave Home" to run [command "cave home "]
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is "create":
if player has the permission "cave.create":
execute console command "/mv clone ul_CavingX1 %player%"
wait 2 seconds
message "&6&lCave Created! Do /cave home To go to The Cave!"
execute console command "lp user %player% parent set realdefault"
message "&6&lYou already Have a Cave! Do /cave home To go There!"
if arg 1 is "home":
if player has the permission "cave.create":
message "&l&6You don't Own a Cave, Please do /cave create To Get A Cave!"
if player has the permission "cave.home":
execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player%"
execute console comand "/mv load %player%"
teleport player to location(104, 241, -89, world("%player%"))
if arg 1 is "join":
if player has permission "cave.gui":
if arg 2 is offline player:
message "&6&lYou must put in a player name To ask to join!"
on join:
execute console command "/mv load %player%"
on quit:
console command "/mv unload %player%"
on death:
wait 3 ticks
teleport player to location(104, 241, -89, world("%player%"))
For the join segment, I've managed to get that much done and I'm at a loss of what to do now. I would really love some help but its fine if no one is able to do anything!
Edited it to make the code more readable
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