Any Idea how to make multiplayer skyblock worlds?

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Jun 6, 2020
[C]I've looked everywhere across the internet and on the forums and I can't find anything on this. There aren't any tutorials for this and I'm just getting very confused. I just recently started scripting so I would love some help! Its Cave instead of skyblock since a new server with a new idea.

command /cave [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: cave.use
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if player has the permission "cave.create":
                open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lCave Create" to player
                format slot 13 of player with stone named "&b&lCreate A Cave" to run [command "cave create "]
            if player has the permission "cave.gui":
                open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lCave Settings" to player
                format slot 13 of player with stone named "&b&lCave Home" to run [command "cave home "]
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is "create":
                if player has the permission "cave.create":
                    execute console command "/mv clone ul_CavingX1 %player%"
                    wait 2 seconds
                    message "&6&lCave Created! Do /cave home To go to The Cave!"
                    execute console command "lp user %player% parent set realdefault"
                    message "&6&lYou already Have a Cave! Do /cave home To go There!"
            if arg 1 is "home":
                if player has the permission "cave.create":
                    message "&l&6You don't Own a Cave, Please do /cave create To Get A Cave!"
                if player has the permission "cave.home":
                    execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player%"
                    execute console comand "/mv load %player%"
                    teleport player to location(104, 241, -89, world("%player%"))
            if arg 1 is "join":
                if player has permission "cave.gui":
                    if arg 2 is offline player:
                        message "&6&lYou must put in a player name To ask to join!"

on join:
    execute console command "/mv load %player%"
on quit:
    console command "/mv unload %player%"

on death:
    wait 3 ticks
    teleport player to location(104, 241, -89, world("%player%"))

For the join segment, I've managed to get that much done and I'm at a loss of what to do now. I would really love some help but its fine if no one is able to do anything!

Edited it to make the code more readable
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No, you didn't, you've set into quotes, you need to insert into the ''</> code'' format that I show u before
Ok, I Re Fixed it So its code, Hope it helps now!
Create a template world that has the cave or whatever and then clone that world (I would like to give it a unique name, Eg. "%player's uuid%") and do your code

Yes i know what you mean and i will switch to that to counteract user name changes, but i still have no idea how to get other people to join that world, I made it where yes it does copy the world but i dont know how to make it so other people can join it
Dude wtf, clean your code too much hardcoding, try to use effects implemented in skript!!
[doublepost=1591563979,1591563861][/doublepost]Btw, that will make it really ez for u and also don't use variables of skript use configs (Eg. "data\%player's uuid%.yml)
[doublepost=1591564011][/doublepost]To store members and other things
Dude wtf, clean your code too much hardcoding, try to use effects implemented in skript!!
[doublepost=1591563979,1591563861][/doublepost]Btw, that will make it really ez for u and also don't use variables of skript use configs (Eg. "data\%player's uuid%.yml)
[doublepost=1591564011][/doublepost]To store members and other things

Can you give me a website to that? I havent found any website saying things about the variables, either that or im just blind
Ok, its late for me, tomorrow i'll try to code you that ok??
[doublepost=1591564433,1591564394][/doublepost]BUT, keep coding you might find the solution
Ok, its late for me, tomorrow i'll try to code you that ok??
[doublepost=1591564433,1591564394][/doublepost]BUT, keep coding you might find the solution

If you can I'd be extremly grateful, Take your time its no rush, I never even expected an answer on my post this fast, Thanks!

I will keep trying!
effect clone world %string% and name it %string%:
        set {_f} to Bukkit.getWorld(expr-1)
        if {_f} is set:
            send "§aThe world: %{_f}% is unloading!" to console
            set {_world} to new File("%Bukkit.getWorldContainer().getCanonicalPath()%/%{_f}.getName()%")
            FileUtils.copyDirectory({_world},new File("%Bukkit.getWorldContainer().getCanonicalPath()%/%expr-2%"))
            set {_uid} to new File("%Bukkit.getWorldContainer().getCanonicalPath()%/%expr-2%/uid.dat")
            if {_uid}.exists():
            Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(expr-2))
            send "§cThat world doesn't exist!" to console
[doublepost=1591689896,1591689738][/doublepost]Requires skript-mirror
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