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New Member
Apr 24, 2020
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version:
1.16.1 PaperMC Newest
What I want:
AntiLogout - When you start fightning with other players you can't leave for 30 seconds. When you leave during this time, when you log again you will be killed automatically. I also want the timer to be shown somewhere.
Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
I've only tested this skript in 1.8.x, but it should work in 1.16. Enjoy.

on damage of player:
  if attacker is a player:
    if {combat.%attacker%} is not set:
      send "&c&lPVP &7» You are now in &cCOMBAT&7, don't log out!" to attacker and victim
    set {combat.%attacker%} to true
    set {combat.%victim%} to true
    set {combat.%attacker%.lastHit} to now
    wait 30 seconds
    if {pvplog.%attacker%.lastHit} was more than 29.9 seconds ago:
      send "&c&lPVP &7» &7You are no longer in &cCOMBAT&7." to attacker and victim
      delete {combat.%attacker%}
      delete {combat.%victim%}
      delete {combat.%attacker%.lastHit}

on quit:
  if {combat.%player%} is true:
    broadcast "&c&lPVP &7» &c%player% &7Combat Logged, and got killed!"
    Kill player
    set {pvp.logger.%player%} to true

on join:
  if {pvp.logger.%player%} is true:
    delete {pvp.logger.%player%}
Hello! Thank for the reply but when I leave and join again even without fightning I still get killed.
I've only tested this skript in 1.8.x, but it should work in 1.16. Enjoy.

on damage of player:
  if attacker is a player:
    if {combat.%attacker%} is not set:
      send "&c&lPVP &7» You are now in &cCOMBAT&7, don't log out!" to attacker and victim
    set {combat.%attacker%} to true
    set {combat.%victim%} to true
    set {combat.%attacker%.lastHit} to now
    wait 30 seconds
    if {pvplog.%attacker%.lastHit} was more than 29.9 seconds ago:
      send "&c&lPVP &7» &7You are no longer in &cCOMBAT&7." to attacker and victim
      delete {combat.%attacker%}
      delete {combat.%victim%}
      delete {combat.%attacker%.lastHit}

on quit:
  if {combat.%player%} is true:
    broadcast "&c&lPVP &7» &c%player% &7Combat Logged, and got killed!"
    Kill player
    set {pvp.logger.%player%} to true

on join:
  if {pvp.logger.%player%} is true:
    delete {pvp.logger.%player%}