Solved Announcement 1000 gold

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Feb 26, 2019
Category: automatic system to announce a broadcast

Suggested name: i don't care

What I want: i want a script where the broadcast will say (playername) got 1000 gold! i use this skript:
on first join:
set {gold.%player%} to 0
on right click on gold block:
play sound "" with volume 10 at player
send player title "&e&lGold" with subtitle "&8&l» &3&l%{gold.%player%}%" for 0.2 seconds
add 1 to {gold.%player%}
command /gold [<offline player>]:
executable by: players
if argument 1 is not set:
send " "
send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold.%player%}%"
send " "
send " "
send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold.%arg-1%}%"
send " "

Ideas for commands: automatic so no command

Ideas for permissions: no permission

When I'd like it by: as fast as possible
Last edited:
Use if {gold.%player%} >= 1000. Also, I recommend using list variables ({gold::%player%}) because you can loop them and delete them more easily.
on first join:
    set {gold::%player%} to 0
on right click on gold block:
    play sound "" with volume 10 at player
    send player title "&e&lGold" with subtitle "&8&l» &3&l%{gold::%player%}%" for 0.2 seconds
    add 1 to {gold::%player%}
    {gold::%player%} >= 1000
    broadcast "%player% has got 1000 gold"
command /gold [<offline player>]:
    executable by: players
        if arg- is not set:
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%player%}%"
            send " "
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%arg-1%}%"
            send " "
on first join:
    set {gold::%player%} to 0
on right click on gold block:
    play sound "" with volume 10 at player
    send player title "&e&lGold" with subtitle "&8&l» &3&l%{gold::%player%}%" for 0.2 seconds
    add 1 to {gold::%player%}
    {gold::%player%} >= 1000
    broadcast "%player% has got 1000 gold"
command /gold [<offline player>]:
    executable by: players
        if arg- is not set:
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%player%}%"
            send " "
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%arg-1%}%"
            send " "
Thanks so much but do you also know how to make it so it only broadcasts it once? because when a player gets + 1 gold it will broadcast it again.
on first join:
    set {gold::%player%} to 0
on right click on gold block:
    play sound "" with volume 10 at player
    send player title "&e&lGold" with subtitle "&8&l» &3&l%{gold::%player%}%" for 0.2 seconds
    add 1 to {gold::%player%}
    {gold::%player%} >= 1000
    {goldbroadcast::%player%} is not set
    set {goldbroadcast::%player%} to true
    broadcast "%player% has got 1000 gold"
command /gold [<offline player>]:
    executable by: players
        if arg- is not set:
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%player%}%"
            send " "
            send " "
            send "&6&lGold &8» &2&l%{gold::%arg-1%}%"
            send " "
[doublepost=1551371840,1551371777][/doublepost]Btw you should also use UUIDs because now, when a player changes their name, they lose their gold