Animated text

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Feb 10, 2024
Hello, I want to make a scoreboard for my server, where the title will slowly change colors. From red to orange and back over and over. does anyone know how i could skript that?
Well, I do not know how to do that, and it'll probably take a lot of time, that's why I think you should use a plugin called TAB and watch some tutorials on how to animate with it.
Hello, I want to make a scoreboard for my server, where the title will slowly change colors. From red to orange and back over and over. does anyone know how i could skript that?
just use simple plugin like this instead of spending a couple dozen hours on a hard script.
just use simple plugin like this instead of spending a couple dozen hours on a hard script.
Imo, wouldn't be too hard to make. You just loop a variable an infinite amount of times and you can have it change colors/etc.
# Example:
every second:
   set {An} to "&cAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds
   set {An} to "&6Animation"
   wait 0.25 seconds   
   set {An} to "&eAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds 
   set {An} to "&aAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds   
   set {An} to "&bAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds   
   set {An} to "&dAnimation"
Then just use that variable for the scoreboard.
Imo, wouldn't be too hard to make. You just loop a variable an infinite amount of times and you can have it change colors/etc.
# Example:
every second:
   set {An} to "&cAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds
   set {An} to "&6Animation"
   wait 0.25 seconds  
   set {An} to "&eAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds
   set {An} to "&aAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds  
   set {An} to "&bAnimation"
   wait 0.25 seconds  
   set {An} to "&dAnimation"
Then just use that variable for the scoreboard.
Dude, "No need to re-invent the wheel" , why spend a lot of time on an unoptimized script when you can install 1 plugin, get a lot more functions, and save your time?
Hello, I want to make a scoreboard for my server, where the title will slowly change colors. From red to orange and back over and over. does anyone know how i could skript that?
Requires SkBee
command animated:
    loop 100 times:
      set title of player' board to mini message from "<gradient:red:gold:%loop-number/50-1%>Your Server's Name</gradient>"
      wait tick
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.gif
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