AMS System

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Feb 16, 2020
Category: Ams

Suggested name:

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.8 / 2.2-dev25

What I want:
I am German so I explain it in german and english.

-- German --

| Allgemeines |
Coin Variable: balance of player

| GUI |
Slots: " AMS einzahlen " (alles Kohle was man in der Hand hällt) [wird dann zB in einer Variable gespeichert {ams::%uuid of player%} oder so.]
" AMS abheben " (hebt dann die produzierte Kohle in Coins ab).
" AMS Info " (zeigt an wieviel Kohle man eingezahlt hat, welches Upgrade man besitzt und wieviel Coins man pro (5,4,3,2,1) Minuten bekommt).
|- Das ist das Upgrade Level wie lange die Produktionszeit ist.
| Wie es funktionieren soll |
Man zahlt Kohle ein, bekommt dann je nach der Anzahl an Kohle Coins.
Wenn man ein Kohle Stück einzahlt bekommt man pro 5 Minuten 2 Coins in einer Variable zB {coins::%uuid of player} wenn man 2 Kohle einzahlt bekommt man pro 5 Minuten 4 Coins, wenn man 3 einzahlt pro 5 Minuten 6 Coins usw. halt immer das doppelte was man einzahlt.

| Upgrades |
(Freiwillig) [Wäre aber lieb wenn es dabei wäre]
Upgrades gibt es 4:
Upgrade 1. reduziert die Produktionszeit von 5 Minuten auf 4 Minuten - Kosten: 100000 Coins
Upgrade 2. reduziert die Produktionszeit von 4 Minuten auf 3 Minuten - Kosten: 500000 Coins
Upgrade 3. reduziert die Produktionszeit von 3 Minuten auf 2 Minuten - Kosten: 1000000 Coins
Upgrade 4. reduziert die Produktionszeit von 2 Minuten auf 1 Minute - Kosten: 5000000 Coins


-- English --

| General |
Coin Variable: balance of player

| GUI |
Slots: "Deposit AMS" (all coal you hold in your hand) [is then stored in a variable, for example {ams::%uuid of player%} or something like that.]
"Withdraw AMS" (then withdraws the produced coal in coins).
"AMS Info" (shows how much coal you have deposited, which upgrade you have and how many coins you get per (5,4,3,2,1) minutes).
| - This is the upgrade level and how long the production time is.
| How it should work |
You pay in coal, then depending on the number of coal you get coins.
If you deposit a piece of coal you get 2 coins per 5 minutes in a variable e.g. {coins::%uuid of player%} if you deposit 2 coins you get 4 coins per 5 minutes, if you deposit 3 coins per 5 minutes you get 6 coins etc. always double what you pay in.

-------------------------------------------------- -
| Upgrades |
(Voluntarily) [But it would be nice if it were there]
There are 4 upgrades:
Upgrade 1. reduces the production time from 5 minutes to 4 minutes - costs: 100,000 coins
Upgrade 2. reduces the production time from 4 minutes to 3 minutes - costs: 500,000 coins
Upgrade 3. reduces the production time from 3 minutes to 2 minutes - costs: 1,000,000 coins
Upgrade 4. reduces the production time from 2 minutes to 1 minute - costs: 5,000,000 coins

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: as soon as possible