AFK room help.

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Jul 22, 2017
I've look so many sk file, but I could not find the best afk plugin, what I want is make player teleport to a specific afkroom by Skript automatic detect!

here is following I've done with sk, but I don't know how to do the listener when player typed /afk and the sk will gets record a location before player be sent to the afk room, but not cover the Essentials command /back

command /afkset:
    permission: op
    permission: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        set {location.of.afk} to location of player # Sets the variable '{location.of.afk}' to where the player is standing
        message "&cafkroom> &fyou are set a afk room! to the following coordinates: &e%{_loc}%"
command /afkdel:
    permission: op
    permission: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        clear {location.of.afk} # Clears the variable
        message "&cSpawn> &fYou are deleted a afkroom, just type '/afkset' to reset it !"

command /afk [<player>]:
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        if player has permission "":
            if {location.of.afk} is not set: # If they haven't done /afkset yet, it tells them that they have not
                message "&cafkroom> &fthe afk room has not set yet. just type'/setspawn' to set it!."
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&cafkroom> &fPlayer argument missing."
            if arg 1 is set:
                set {_p} to player
                teleport arg 1 to {location.of.afk}
                message "&cafkroom> &fYou sent &e%{_p}% &fto the afkroom!."
                message "&cafkroom> &fYou are sent to the afkroom !."
            teleport player to {location.of.afk}

command /afk:
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        set {is.%uuid of player%.afk} to true # Sets the variable to true
        broadcast "&e%player%&f is now AFK." # Broadcasts that they are AFK
       set {_p} to player
       teleport {_p} {location.of.afk}
on any movement: # In other words, whenever the player moves
    if {is.%uuid of player%.afk} is true: # Checks if the variable is true
        set {is.%uuid of player%.afk} to false # If it is, it sets it to false, as you can see
        wait 1 tick
        broadcast "&e%player%&f is no longer AFK." # Then, it broadcasts that the player is no longer AFK.

please help me this ~~~~~~ please ~~
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This should work :emoji_slight_smile:

command /afk:
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        Set {_afkback.%uuid of player%} to location of player #On any move, teleport the player to this variable
        set {is.%uuid of player%.afk} to true # Sets the variable to true
        broadcast "&e%player%&f is now AFK." # Broadcasts that they are AFK
       set {_p} to player
       teleport {_p} {location.of.afk}
All right... I'm confused with my sk file :emoji_frowning: :emoji_frowning: ,
here's my sk file, I still can't get what I want, when I typed /afk, then it will cause crash with
command /afk [<player>]:
and tells me "AFKroom> &fPlayer argument missing.",

what I want is make a location(AFKroom) that player will be gets teleported when they are AFK, and once player moves player will gets teleported back the location that before AFKroom teleported them,

command /afkset:
    permission: op
    permission: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        set {location.of.afk} to location of player # Sets the variable '{location.of.afk}' to where the player is standing
        message "&9AFKroom> &fyou are set a AFK room to the following coordinates: &e%{_loc}%"
command /afkdel:
    permission: op
    permission: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        clear {location.of.afk} # Clears the variable
        message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are deleted a AFKroom, just type '/afkset' to reset it !"
command /afk [<player>]:
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        if player has permission "":
            if {location.of.afk} is not set: # If they haven't done /afkset yet, it tells them that they have not
                message "&cAFKroom> &fthe AFK room has not set yet, just type'/afkset' to set it!."
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&9AFKroom&7> &fPlayer argument missing."
            if arg 1 is set:
                set {_p} to player
                teleport arg 1 to {location.of.afk}
                message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou sent &e%{_p}% &fto the AFK room!."
                message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are sent to the AFK room!."
            teleport player to {location.of.afk}

command /afk:
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        Set {_afkback.%uuid of player%} to location of player #On any move, teleport the player to this variable
        set {is.%uuid of player%.afk} to true # Sets the variable to true
        broadcast "&e%player%&f is now AFK." # Broadcasts that they are AFK
        set {_p} to player
        teleport {_p} {location.of.afk}
Haven't tried this, but it should work :emoji_slight_smile:
On any move:
    If {Is.%uuid of player%.afk} is true:
        Teleport player to {_afkback.%uuid of player%}
        Set {Is.%uuid of player%.afk} to false
        Delete {_afkback.%uuid of player%}
        Broadcast "&e%player%&f is no longer AFK."
No... it still not works, did you test that on your server yet?
so... can you figure out that for me? because I really want that
I have made your skript a little more easy to get in, Instead of 2 /afk commands, i've made 1.
command /afkset:
    permission: op
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        set {location.of.afk} to location of player # Sets the variable '{location.of.afk}' to where the player is standing
        message "&9AFKroom> &fyou are set a AFK room to the following coordinates: &e%{_loc}%"
command /afkdel:
    permission: op
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        clear {location.of.afk} # Clears the variable
        message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are deleted a AFKroom, just type '/afkset' to reset it !"

command /afk [<player>]:
        If arg-1 is set:
            If player has permission "":
                if {location.of.afk} is set: # If they haven't done /afkset yet, it tells them that they have not
                    Set {afkback.%arg-1%} to location of arg-1
                    teleport arg 1 to {location.of.afk}
                    Set {Is.%arg-1%.afk} to true
                    Wait 1 tick
                    message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou sent &e%arg-1% &fto the AFK room!."
                    message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are sent to the AFK room!." to arg-1
                    message "&cAFKroom> &fthe AFK room has not set yet, just type'/afkset' to set it!."
                message "{@nopermission}"
            If player has permission "":
                If {location.of.afk} is set:
                    Set {afkback.%player%} to location of player #On any move, teleport the player to this variable
                    set {is.%player%.afk} to true
                    broadcast "&e%player%&f is now AFK."
                    wait 1 tick
                    teleport player to {location.of.afk}
                    message "&cAFKroom> &fthe AFK room has not set yet, just type'/afkset' to set it!."
                message "{@nopermission}"
On any move:
    If {Is.%player%.afk} is true:
        Wait 2 ticks
        Teleport player to {afkback.%player%}
        Wait 1 tick
        Clear {is.%player%.afk}
        clear {afkback.%uuid of player%}
        If {Is.%player%} is not set:
            Wait 1 second
            Broadcast "&e%player% &fis no longer AFK."
The skript should work like did earlier, just fixed some things. :emoji_slight_smile: - Sorry for bad english
Obviously, it works good, but lack 1 thing, is how to loop all players?
I've done with this, but I don't know why it is not works

every 1 minutes:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's location is {afk.location.%loop-player%}:
            if {is.%loop-player%.afk} is false:
                set {_p} to player
                teleport loop-player to {location.of.afk}
                broadcast "&a&l%loop-player% &7est désormais afk"
                set {is.%loop-player%.afk} to true
            set {afk.location.%loop-player%} to loop-player's location
I'm sorry, but i can't see what your skript should be done for. Can you explain to me, what your skript ^^ should do?
Like I want to add server to detect player when they are afk they will be tp to {location.of.afk} by every 1m to loop all players

and here's my code,
command /afkset:
    permission: op
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        set {location.of.afk} to location of player # Sets the variable '{location.of.afk}' to where the player is standing
        message "&9AFKroom> &fyou are set a AFK room to the following coordinates: &e%{_loc}%"
command /afkdel:
    permission: op
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        clear {location.of.afk} # Clears the variable
        message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are deleted a AFKroom, just type '/afkset' to reset it !"
command /afk [<player>]:
        If arg-1 is set:
            If player has permission "":
                if {location.of.afk} is set: # If they haven't done /afkset yet, it tells them that they have not
                    Set {afkback.%arg-1%} to location of arg-1
                    teleport arg 1 to {location.of.afk}
                    Set {Is.%arg-1%.afk} to true
                    Wait 1 tick
                    message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou sent &e%arg-1% &fto the AFK room!."
                    message "&9AFKroom&7> &fYou are sent to the AFK room!." to arg-1
                    message "&cAFKroom> &fthe AFK room has not set yet, just type'/afkset' to set it!."
                message "{@nopermission}"
            If player has permission "":
                If {location.of.afk} is set:
                    Set {afkback.%player%} to location of player #On any move, teleport the player to this variable
                    set {is.%player%.afk} to true
                    broadcast "&e%player%&f is now AFK."
                    wait 1 tick
                    teleport player to {location.of.afk}
                    message "&cAFKroom> &fthe AFK room has not set yet, just type'/afkset' to set it!."
                message "{@nopermission}"

every 1 minutes:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's location is {afk.location.%loop-player%}:
            if {is.%loop-player%.afk} is false:
                set {_p} to player
                teleport loop-player to {location.of.afk}
                broadcast "&a&l%loop-player% &7est désormais afk"
                set {is.%loop-player%.afk} to true
            set {afk.location.%loop-player%} to loop-player's location

On any move:
    If {Is.%player%.afk} is true:
        Wait 2 ticks
        Teleport player to {afkback.%player%}
        Wait 1 tick
        Clear {is.%player%.afk}
        clear {afkback.%uuid of player%}
        If {Is.%player%} is not set:
            Wait 1 second
            Broadcast "&e%player% &fis no longer AFK."
This should do it :emoji_slight_smile:

every 1 second in world "Your world":            #Change to your world name.
    Loop all players:
        Add 1 to {afktimer.%loop-player%}
            If {afktimer.%loop-player%} is greater than 299:    #Change the number if you want to, it should just be in seconds.
                Set {afkback.%loop-player%} to loop-player's location
                Teleport loop-player to {location.of.afk}
                Set {Is.%loop-player%.afk} to true
On any move:
    Set {afktimer.%player%} to 0
it is complex code XD , ok what I just got is it will run this whenever I move
Broadcast "&e%player% &fis no longer AFK."

I think "On any move" have to add something like if and else?
and whenever I got teleport to AFK location the server won't broadcast I'm now AFK
it is complex code XD , ok what I just got is it will run this whenever I move
Broadcast "&e%player% &fis no longer AFK."

I think "On any move" have to add something like if and else?
and whenever I got teleport to AFK location the server won't broadcast I'm now AFK
In the loop-player effect you need to change all player, with loop-player that could be the problem.