Advanced formula's

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Category: calculation

Suggested name: formula

What I want:
Hey there i have made a advanced formula skript but i think it could be done more efficiently.

What it needs to do is calculating multiple binary values to 1 binary result.

Calculation posibilties:

* = and
+ = Or
0=binary 0
1=binary 1

Let me explain what these posibilities can do.

if you look at the formula 1*1+1 this will result in a 1 Why? a*(and)b+(or)c = ? so a and b both need to be 1 to go trough OR only c needs to be 1. so 1*0+0=0, 1*1+0=1, 0*1+0=0, 0*1+1=1, 0*0+1=1.

Another value is the not value. The not value just inverts the value so 1`*1=0 because of the not it is actualy 0*1=0.

These formula's are still very basic and can get quite big like this one. a*b+c*d*e`*f+g.

But now i want to add bracketing. Bracketing is the same as math. Brackets go first. so things like this: a*(b*(c*d+e*f)*g*(h+i*j)).

Hope someone understands and is in for a challenge!

Uhm if you need a direct here you have a piece of code that does all the features except bracketing.

command /formula <text>:
        set {_val} to arg 1
        replace every "0`" with "1" in {_val}
        replace every "1`" with "0" in {_val}
        set {_l::*} to {_val} split at "+"
        loop {_l::*}:
            if loop-value doesn't contain "0":
                message "1"
        message "0"

Ideas for commands:

command /fomula <text>:

Ideas for permissions:


When I'd like it by: A reasonable time

This is what I came up with but I haven't tested it a lot, so there could be bugs:
command /formula <string>:
        set {_f} to formula(arg-1, sender)
        broadcast "f: %{_f}%"

function formula(str: string, exec: object=console) :: integer:
    loop 10 times:
        set {_l::*} to split {_str} at ""
        set {_depth} to 0
        set {_maxdepth} to 0
        loop {_l::*}:
            set {_l} to loop-value-2
            if {_l} is "(":
                add 1 to {_depth}
                {_depth} > {_maxdepth}
                set {_maxdepth} to {_depth}
            else if {_l} is ")":
                remove 1 from {_depth}
        if {_depth} != 0:
            send "Incorrect formula %{_depth}%, %{_str}%" to {_exec}
        if {_maxdepth} is 0:
            return formulaSolve({_str}) parsed as a integer
        set {_str} to formulaSolveDepth({_str}, {_maxdepth})
        # broadcast "%loop-number%: %{_str}%"
function formulaSolveDepth(str: string, depth: integer) :: string:
    set {_l::*} to split {_str} at ""
    set {_cd} to 0
    set {_i} to 0
    loop {_l::*}:
        set {_l} to loop-value
        set {_li} to loop-index parsed as a integer
        if {_l} is "(":
            add 1 to {_cd}
            {_cd} is {_depth}
            add 1 to {_i}
            set {_l2::%{_i}%} to ""
            set {_l2::%{_i}%::start} to {_li}
        if {_cd} is {_depth}:
            set {_l2::%{_i}%} to "%{_l2::%{_i}%}%%{_l}%"
        if {_l} is ")":
            remove 1 from {_cd}
            {_l2::%{_i}%::end} is not set
            set {_l2::%{_i}%::end} to {_li}
    loop {_l2::*}:
        set {_s} to formulaSolve(loop-value)
        set {_len} to {_l2::%loop-index%::end} - {_l2::%loop-index%::start} - length of {_s}
        loop {_len}-1 times:
            set {_s} to "%{_s}%-"
        # broadcast "%loop-value%: %{_s}% (%{_l2::%loop-index%::start}%, %{_l2::%loop-index%::end}%)"
        set {_str2} to {_str}
        replace every (subtext of {_str} from {_l2::%loop-index%::start} to {_l2::%loop-index%::end}) in {_str} with {_s}
        # broadcast "new str: %{_str}%, %{_str2}%, %{_depth}%"
    replace every "-" in {_str} with ""
    return {_str}
function formulaSolve(str: string) :: string:
    replace every "0`" with "1" in {_str}
    replace every "1`" with "0" in {_str}
    set {_l::*} to {_str} split at "+"
    loop {_l::*}:
        loop-value doesn't contain "0"
        return "1"
    return "0"
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