Adding MySQL to script?

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Feb 1, 2017
Hi. Thanks for clicking on my post. I need help with Script + MySQL. I would like to add MySQL to this so whenever players go on Lobby-1 and change something it also changes in Lobby-2.

Please if you know MySQL+Script, help me with this. Also, the creator of this script is no longer updating this script. He is now doing Java.

    #The world which Lobby Preferences effect is enabled
    Pref.Enabled: world
    #Command prefix
    Pref.Prefix: &3[&9Preferences&3]
    #GUI (chest) name
    Pref.GUIname: Player Preferences
    #Hide Kick and Death message
    Pref.KickMsgHide: true
    Pref.DeathMsgHide: true
    #Customize the Join/Leave message
    Pref.MsgJoin: &1[&dJoin/Leave&1] &7%event-player% has joined the server.
    Pref.MsgLeave: &1[&dJoin/Leave&1] &7%event-player% has left the server.
    #Hide system default Join/Leave mesasge
    Pref.HideSysJoin: true
    Pref.HideSysLeave: true
    #Admin permission, to configure player's options via commands
    Pref.AdminPerm: Pref.Admin
    #Restricted commands
    Pref.NoPerm: &cYou don't have permission to perform this command.
    #Default walk speed and Boosted walk speed
    Pref.Boosted: 20
    Pref.BoostDefault: 0.2
    #Stacker not enabled message
    Pref.SelfStacker: &e[&2Stacker&e] &cYour Stacker option is not enabled.
    Pref.TargetStacker: &e[&2Stacker&e] &cTarget's Stacker option is not enabled.
    #The items in the GUI for you to enable/disable options
    Pref.EnabledItem: dye:10
    Pref.DisabledItem: dye:8
on inventory click:
    if "%inventory name of player's current inventory%" is "{@Pref.GUIname}":
        cancel event
        if name of clicked item is "&aPlayer Visibility Enabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref visibility"
        else if name of clicked item is "&cPlayer Visibility Disabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref visibility"
        if name of clicked item is "&aStacker Enabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref stacker"
        else if name of clicked item is "&cStacker Disabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref stacker"
        if name of clicked item is "&aSpeed Boost Enabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref boost"
        else if name of clicked item is "&cSpeed Boost Disabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref boost"
        if name of clicked item is "&aDouble Jump Enabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref jump"
        else if name of clicked item is "&cDouble Jump Disabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref jump"
        if name of clicked item is "&aMessage Enabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref message"
        else if name of clicked item is "&cMessage Disabled":
            make event-player execute command "/pref message"
        if name of clicked item is "&c&lReset Preferences":
            make event-player execute command "/pref reset"
        if name of clicked item is "&cExit":
            close event-player's inventory

command /pref [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /perference, /preferences
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open chest with 6 rows named "{@Pref.GUIname}" to player
            set slot 2 of player's current inventory to clock named "&aPlayer Visibility"
            set slot 4 of player's current inventory to potion:8265 named "&aStacker" with no nbt
            set slot 6 of player's current inventory to sugar named "&aSpeed Boost"
            set slot 29 of player's current inventory to feather named "&aDouble Jump"
            set slot 31 of player's current inventory to paper named "&aPlayer Join Leave Message"
            set slot 49 of player's current inventory to arrow named "&cExit"
            if {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%} is not set:
                set slot 11 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aPlayer Visibility Enabled"
                set slot 11 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cPlayer Visibility Disabled"
            if {Pref.Stacker.%event-player%} is not set:
                set slot 13 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aStacker Enabled"
                set slot 13 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cStacker Disabled"
            #*Default disable*
            if {Pref.Boost.%event-player%} is not set:
                set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cSpeed Boost Disabled"
                set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aSpeed Boost Enabled"
            #Double Jump
            if {Pref.Jump.%event-player%} is not set:
                set slot 38 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aDouble Jump Enabled"
                set slot 38 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cDouble Jump Disabled"
            #Join/Leave Message
            if {Pref.Message.%event-player%} is not set:
                set slot 40 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aMessage Enabled"
                set slot 40 of player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cMessage Disabled"
            #Reset button
            set slot 53 of player's current inventory to dye:1 named "&c&lReset Preferences"
#format again after change
        if arg-1 is "visibility":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%} is not set:
                    set {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%} to true
                    set slot 11 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cPlayer Visibility Disabled"
                    hide all players from event-player
                    delete {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%}
                    set slot 11 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aPlayer Visibility Enabled"
                    reveal all players from event-player
            else if event-player has permission "{@Pref.AdminPerm}":
                if {Pref.Visibility.%arg-2%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Visibility.%arg-2%}
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bPlayer Visibility &eto &aenable."                 
                    set {Pref.Visibility.%arg-2%} to true
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bPlayer Visibility &eto &cdisable."
                message "{@Pref.NoPerm}"
        if arg-1 is "stacker":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {Pref.Stacker.%event-player%} is not set:
                    set {Pref.Stacker.%event-player%} to true
                    set slot 13 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cStacker Disabled"
                    delete {Pref.Stacker.%event-player%}
                    set slot 13 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aStacker Enabled"
            else if event-player has permission "{@Pref.AdminPerm}":
                if {Pref.Stacker.%arg-2%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Stacker.%arg-2%}
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bStacker &eto &aenable."
                    set {Pref.Stacker.%arg-2%} to true
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bStacker &eto &cdisable."                 
                message "{@Pref.NoPerm}"
        #default disable
        if arg-1 is "boost":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {Pref.Boost.%event-player%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Boost.%event-player%}
                    set slot 15 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cSpeed Boost Disabled"
                    set the walk speed of event-player to 0.2
                    set {Pref.Boost.%event-player%} to true
                    set slot 15 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aSpeed Boost Enabled"               
                    set the player's walk speed to 20
            else if event-player has permission "{@Pref.AdminPerm}":
                if {Pref.Boost.%arg-2%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Boost.%arg-2%}
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bBoost &eto &cdisable."
                    set {_Pref.temp} to arg-2 parsed as player
                    set {_Pref.temp}'s walk speed to 0.2
                    set {_Pref.temp} to arg-2 parsed as player
                    set {_Pref.temp}'s walk speed to 20
                    set {Pref.Boost.%arg-2%} to true
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bBoost &eto &aenable."             
                message "{@Pref.NoPerm}"
        if arg-1 is "jump":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {Pref.Jump.%event-player%} is not set:
                    set {Pref.Jump.%event-player%} to true
                    set slot 38 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cDouble Jump Disabled"
                    delete {Pref.Jump.%event-player%}
                    set slot 38 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aDouble Jump Enabled"                 
            else if event-player has permission "{@Pref.AdminPerm}":
                if {Pref.Jump.%arg-2%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Jump.%arg-2%}
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bDouble Jump &eto &aenable."
                    set {Pref.Jump.%arg-2%} to true
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bDouble Jump &eto &cdisable."
                message "{@Pref.NoPerm}"
        if arg-1 is "message":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                if {Pref.Message.%event-player%} is not set:
                    set {Pref.Message.%event-player%} to true
                    set slot 40 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.DisabledItem} named "&cMessage Disabled"
                    delete {Pref.Message.%event-player%}
                    set slot 40 of event-player's current inventory to {@Pref.EnabledItem} named "&aMessage Enabled"
            else if event-player has permission "{@Pref.AdminPerm}":
                if {Pref.Message.%arg-2%} is set:
                    delete {Pref.Message.%arg-2%}
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bJoin/Leave Message &eto &aenable."               
                    set {Pref.Message.%arg-2%} to true
                    message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYou set %arg-2%'s &bJoin/Leave Message &eto &cdisable."
                message "{@Pref.NoPerm}"
        if arg-1 is "reset":
            delete {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%}
            delete {Pref.Boost.%event-player%}
            delete {Pref.Stacker.%event-player%}
            delete {Pref.Jump.%event-player%}
            delete {Pref.Message.%event-player%}
            set the walk speed of event-player to {@Pref.BoostDefault}
            close event-player's inventory
            message "{@Pref.Prefix} &eYour Lobby Preferences menu has been reset."
        if arg-1 is "help":
            message "{@Pref.Prefix}&cAuthor: i998979"
            message "&aCommands:"
            message "&6[Player] can be ommited or replace with player's name."
            message "    &6If it is specified, the commands will apply on that player."
            message "    &6Otherwise, it will apply on your own."
            message "&b/preferences /pref /preference: &9Open the Preferences GUI"
            message "&b/pref visibility [Player]: &9Switch someone's Player Visibility option"
            message "&b/pref stacker [Player]: &9Switch someone's Player Stacker option"
            message "&b/pref boost [Player]: &9Switch someone's Boost option"
            message "&b/pref jump [Player]: &9Switch someone's Double Jump option"
            message "&b/pref message [Player]: &9Switch someone's Join/Leave Message option"
            message "&b/pref reset [Player]: &9Reset someone's option to default"
            message "&b/pref help [Player]: &9Show thie help page"
#Player visibility
on join:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {Pref.Visibility.%event-player%} is not set:
            reveal all players from event-player
            hide all players from event-player
on right click on player:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {Pref.Stacker.%clicked player%} is not set:
            if {Pref.Stacker.%player%} is not set:
                make clicked player ride event-player
                message "{@Pref.SelfStacker}" to event-player
            message "{@Pref.TargetStacker}" to event-player
on left click:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        dismount passenger from event-player

#Speed Boost
on join:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {Pref.Boost.%event-player%} is not set:
            set the walk speed of event-player to {@Pref.BoostDefault}
            set the player's walk speed to {@Pref.Boosted}

#Join Leave message
on join:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {@Pref.HideSysJoin} is true:
            set join message to ""
        loop all players:
            if {Pref.Message.%loop-player%} is not set:
                if event-player is not loop-player:
                    message "{@Pref.MsgJoin}" to loop-player
on quit:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {@Pref.HideSysLeave} is true:
            set leave message to ""
        loop all players:
            if {Pref.Message.%loop-player%} is not set:
                if event-player is not loop-player:
                    message "{@Pref.MsgLeave}" to loop-player
#Kick Death message hide
on kick:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {@Pref.KickMsgHide} is true:
            set kick message to ""
on death:
    if event-player is in world "{@Pref.Enabled}":
        if {@Pref.DeathMsgHide} is true:
            set death message to ""
Last edited:
Actually, this would be more easy if you're using the config sql option.
Just define a prefix and change any variable the variables.
Actually, this would be more easy if you're using the config sql option.
Just define a prefix and change any variable the variables.
Config sql? What do you mean?
I enabled MySQL in Skript and downloaded the Skript SQL jar.

Define a prefix? What do you mean?
Sorry... I'm a noob. :emoji_frowning:
Open your script config which is located in plugins\Skript\

Look for this code:
MySQL example:
        # A MySQL database example, with options unrelated to MySQL removed.
        type: disabled # change to line below to enable this database
        # type: MySQL
        pattern: synced_.* # this pattern will save all variables that start with 'synced_' in this MySQL database.
        host: localhost
        port: 3306
        user: root
        password: pass
        database: skript
        monitor changes: true
        monitor interval: 20 seconds

Change to:
MySQL example:
        # A MySQL database example, with options unrelated to MySQL removed.
        type: MySQL
        pattern: sql_.*
        host: YOURHOST
        port: 3306
        user: YOURUSER
        password: YOURPASS
        database: Skript
        monitor changes: true
        monitor interval: 20 seconds

Later, you have to change the names of the variables, for example:
Okay, thanks it works now. I need help with your Eco script now!
I changed your command a little bit:

command /moneyset [<offline player>] [<number>]:
    permission: money.set
    permission message: &cNo permission.
        set {_player} to "%player%"
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 1 is {_player}:
                        send "&cYou can't change the amount of money you have."
                {@run_async} is "true":
                    $ thread
                set {_message} to addCoins(arg 1, arg 2, 1)
                send "%{_message}%"
                send "&cWrong usage."
            send "&cWrong usage."

And it doesn't work. Can you please help me. Lol
Okay, thanks it works now. I need help with your Eco script now!
I changed your command a little bit:

command /moneyset [<offline player>] [<number>]:
    permission: money.set
    permission message: &cNo permission.
        set {_player} to "%player%"
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 1 is {_player}:
                        send "&cYou can't change the amount of money you have."
                {@run_async} is "true":
                    $ thread
                set {_message} to addCoins(arg 1, arg 2, 1)
                send "%{_message}%"
                send "&cWrong usage."
            send "&cWrong usage."

And it doesn't work. Can you please help me. Lol
I don't know what is not working in your changes because i tested it and it's working, but i think you need to do this
if "%arg 1%" is "%{_player}%"
instead of
if arg 1 is {_player}
command /moneyset [<offline player>] [<number>]:
    permission: money.set
    permission message: &cNo permission.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 1 is player:
                        send "&cYou can't change the amount of money you have."
                if {@run_async} is "true":
                    $ thread
                set {_message} to addCoins(arg 1, arg 2, 1)
                send "%{_message}%"
                send "&cWrong usage."
            send "&cWrong usage."
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@YoshYz How do you add the message "Sorry but this player is offline" :emoji_slight_smile: Thats all i need ! lol
command /moneyset [<offline player>] [<number>]:
    permission: money.set
    permission message: &cNo permission.
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 1 is player:
                        send "&cYou can't change the amount of money you have."
                    send "%arg-1% is not online"
                {@run_async} is "true":
                    $ thread
                set {_message} to addCoins(arg 1, arg 2, 1)
                send "%{_message}%"
                send "&cWrong usage."
            send "&cWrong usage."
command /moneyset [<offline player>] [<number>]:
    permission: money.set
    permission message: &cNo permission.
        arg 1 is set:
            arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is online:
                    if arg 1 is player:
                        send "&cYou can't change the amount of money you have."
                    send "%arg-1% is not online"
                {@run_async} is "true":
                    $ thread
                set {_message} to addCoins(arg 1, arg 2, 1)
                send "%{_message}%"
                send "&cWrong usage."
            send "&cWrong usage."
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