adding cooldown to this

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May 4, 2024
command /stregthsword:
permission: stregth.sword
set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
if {cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 60 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again."
set {cooldown.%player%} to now
give player 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

on right click:
player is holding 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:strength 11 3"

i need the cooldown here
on right click:
player is holding 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:strength 11 3"
if i cna get this to work ima make custom texturepack 3d for this item so dm sharpintel23982
just do the same thing?
oh i see what you mean now i got diffrent probblem timer goes up not down

command /stregthsword:
permission: stregth.sword
set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
if {cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 60 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again."
set {cooldown.%player%} to now
give player 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

on right click:
player is holding 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
if {cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 5 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again." to player
execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:strength 11 3"
oh i see what you mean now i got diffrent probblem timer goes up not down

command /stregthsword:
  permission: stregth.sword
    set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
    if {cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
      send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 60 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again."
    set {cooldown.%player%} to now
    give player 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending  named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"
on right click:
  player is holding 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending  named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"
  set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
  if {cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 5 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again." to player
  execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:strength 11 3"
Use code blocks in the further like I show above
also try this but didint work
on right click:
player is holding 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and mending named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lStregth Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click for 10s of stregth 4"

if {strengthwand.cooldown.%player%} is not set or difference between {strengthwand.cooldown.%player%} and now > 10 seconds:
set {strengthwand.cooldown.%player%} to now
execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:strength 11 3"