Hi everyone, I have a problem. I'm working on an amulet system now. To activate an amulet you need to click it in your inventory, but problem is that if I have multiple of one Amulet in one slot it doesn't work
(If there is only one item in a slot it works perfectly)
My Code:
(If there is only one item in a slot it works perfectly)
My Code:
on inventory click:
# Testing Amulet
event-item is stone named "&fTesting Amulet &a[Tier I]"
slot 0 of player's current inventory is black stained glass pane named " "
slot 29 of {%player%_amulet_gui} isn't stone named "&fTesting Amulet &a[Tier I]"
make player execute command "/tier1check1"
remove stone named "&fTesting Amulet &a[Tier I]" from player's inventory
set slot 29 of {%player%_amulet_gui} to stone of efficiency 1 named "&fTesting Amulet &a[Tier I]" with lore "&7Coins per Click: &a+10" with all flags hidden
set {%player%_testing_amulet_active} to true
if {%player%_amulet_change} is true:
play sound "minecraft:block.beacon.power_select" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1.2 to the player
send "&eTier I Amulet was changed!"
set {%player%_amulet_change} to false
play sound "minecraft:block.beacon.power_select" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1.5 to the player
send "&aTier I Amulet was activated!"