I want to do the action bar but it gave me this error.
[ERROR] Can't understand this condition/effect: show action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Activated" to player (eternal finder.sk, line 147: show action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Activated" to player')
[ERROR] Can't understand this condition/effect: set action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Deactivated" to player (eternal finder.sk, line 157: set action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Deactivated" to player')
[ERROR] Can't understand this condition/effect: show action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Activated" to player (eternal finder.sk, line 147: show action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Activated" to player')
[ERROR] Can't understand this condition/effect: set action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Deactivated" to player (eternal finder.sk, line 157: set action bar "&6(&e!&6) &e Light OverLay Deactivated" to player')