i have upgraded my server to a different version (1.12.2) and get an error like this:
Installed Skript Version: 2.2-dev25
Installed Addons and Versions: skRayFall (1.9.21), Skellett (1.9.9), SkQuery (4.0)
i have upgraded my server to a different version (1.12.2) and get an error like this:
Cant understand this condition/effect: format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
Installed Skript Version: 2.2-dev25
Installed Addons and Versions: skRayFall (1.9.21), Skellett (1.9.9), SkQuery (4.0)
prefix: &6System &8»
command /spawn:
teleport player to {spawn}
command /setspawn:
permission: citybuild.setup
set {spawn} to player's location
on hunger meter change:
if {nohunger.%player%} is true:
cancel event
set player's food level to 10
command /warp [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
message "{@prefix} &7Benutzung: &e/warp <Farmwelt, Spawn, Nether>"
if arg 1 is "farmwelt":
execute player command "rwg randomtp fw"
message "{@prefix} &7Du wurdest zur &eFarmwelt &7teleportiert."
if arg 1 is "spawn":
message "{@prefix} &7Du wurdest zum &bSpawn &7teleportiert."
if arg 1 is "nether":
execute player command "rtp nether"
message "{@prefix} &7Du wurdest zum &cNether &7teleportiert."
message "{@prefix} &7Benutzung: &e/warp <Farmwelt, Spawn, Nether>"
on break:
if event-block is spawner:
drop 1 of spawner at event-block's location
on join:
set player's flight mode to false
set {nofall.%player%} to false
set {nofire.%player%} to false
set {nowaterdamage.%player%} to false
set {nohunger.%player%} to false
if {haste.%player%} is true:
set {haste.%player%} to false
remove haste from the player
if {speed.%player%} is true:
set {speed.%player%} to false
remove speed from the player
set {fly.%player%} to false
on quit:
set player's flight mode to false
set {nofall.%player%} to false
set {nowaterdamage.%player%} to false
set {nofire.%player%} to false
set {nohunger.%player%} to false
if {haste.%player%} is true:
set {haste.%player%} to false
remove haste from the player
if {speed.%player%} is true:
set {speed.%player%} to false
remove speed from the player
set {fly.%player%} to false
on join:
set join message to ""
on quit:
set quit message to ""
every 1 ticks:
loop all players:
if {haste.%loop-player%} is true:
apply haste to loop-player for 3 ticks
if {speed.%loop-player%} is true:
apply speed to loop-player for 3 ticks
on damage:
if damage cause is drowning:
if {nowaterdamage.%victim%} is true:
cancel event
if damage cause is burning:
if {nofire.%victim%} is true:
cancel event
if damage cause is fall:
if {nofall.%victim%} is true:
cancel event
on join:
wait 5 ticks
teleport player to {spawn}
command /perks [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 4 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with barrier named "&cKein Fallschaden - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall"]
format slot 1 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&cKein Feuerschaden - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire"]
format slot 5 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with barrier named "&cAbbau Geschwindigkeit - Nicht in Besitz" with lore "" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste"]
format slot 9 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with red stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 12 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 13 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 15 of player with barrier named "&cKein Ertrinken - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage"]
format slot 16 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of player with barrier named "&cGeschwindigkeit - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed"]
format slot 28 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 29 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 30 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 31 of player with barrier named "&cFly - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly"]
format slot 32 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 33 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of player with barrier named "&cKein Hunger - Nicht in Besitz" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.nofalldamage":
format slot 0 of player with rabbit foot named "&eKein Fallschaden" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nofall"]
if {nofall.%player%} is true:
format slot 0 of player with glowing rabbit foot named "&eKein Fallschaden" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nofall"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.nofiredamage":
format slot 4 of player with flint and steel named "&eKein Feuerschaden" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nofire"]
if {nofire.%player%} is true:
format slot 4 of player with glowing flint and steel named "&eKein Feuerschaden" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nofire"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.haste":
format slot 8 of player with emerald named "&eAbbau Geschwindigkeit" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle haste"]
if {haste.%player%} is true:
format slot 8 of player with glowing emerald named "&eAbbau Geschwindigkeit" to close then run [execute player command "perks toggle haste"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.nowaterdamage":
format slot 15 of player with sponge named "&eKein Ertrinken" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nowaterdamage"]
if {nowaterdamage.%player%} is true:
format slot 15 of player with glowing wet sponge named "&eKein Ertrinken" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nowaterdamage"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.speed":
format slot 27 of player with nether star named "&eGeschwindigkeit" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle speed"]
if {speed.%player%} is true:
format slot 27 of player with glowing nether star named "&eGeschwindigkeit" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle speed"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.fly":
format slot 31 of player with feather named "&eFly" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle fly"]
if {fly.%player%} is true:
format slot 31 of player with glowing feather named "&eFly" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle fly"]
if player has permission "citybuild.perk.nohunger":
format slot 35 of player with wheat named "&eKein Hunger" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nohunger"]
if {nohunger.%player%} is true:
format slot 35 of player with glowing wheat named "&eKein Hunger" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks toggle nohunger"]
if arg 1 is "toggle":
if arg 2 is "nohunger":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.nohunger":
if {nohunger.%player%} is true:
set {nohunger.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Fly &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set {nohunger.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Fly &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 2 is "fly":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.fly":
if {fly.%player%} is true:
set {fly.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Fly &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set player's flight mode to false
set {fly.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Fly &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set player's flight mode to true
if arg 2 is "speed":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.speed":
if {speed.%player%} is true:
set {speed.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Geschwindigkeit &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
remove speed from the player
set {speed.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Geschwindigkeit &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 2 is "nowaterdamage":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.nowaterdamage":
if {nowaterdamage.%player%} is true:
set {nowaterdamage.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Wasserschaden &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set {nowaterdamage.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Wasserschaden &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 2 is "haste":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.haste":
if {haste.%player%} is true:
set {haste.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Abbau Geschwindigkeit &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
remove haste from the player
set {haste.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Abbau Geschwindidkeit &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 2 is "nofire":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.nofiredamage":
if {nofire.%player%} is true:
set {nofire.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Feuerschaden &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set {nofire.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Feuerschaden &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 2 is "nofall":
if player doesn't have permission "citybuild.perk.nofalldamage":
if {nofall.%player%} is true:
set {nofall.%player%} to false
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Fallschaden &cdeaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
set {nofall.%player%} to true
message "{@prefix} &7Kein Fallschaden &aaktiviert&7."
execute player command "perks"
if arg 1 is "buy":
if arg 2 is "nohunger":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 119999:
remove 120000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.nohunger true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 120.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nohunger cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "fly":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 374999:
remove 375000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.fly true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 375.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy fly cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "speed":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 149999:
remove 150000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.speed true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 150.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy speed cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "nowaterdamage":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 79999:
remove 80000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.nowaterdamage true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 80.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nowaterdamage cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "haste":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 64999:
remove 65000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.haste true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 65.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy haste cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "nofall":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 119999:
remove 120000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.nofalldamage true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 120.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofall cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if arg 2 is "nofire":
if arg 3 is "confirm":
if player's money is greater than 79999:
remove 80000 from player's money
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set citybuild.perk.nofiredamage true"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast erfolgreich das Perk gekauft!"
message "{@prefix} &7Du hast nicht genügend Geld."
if arg 3 is "cancel":
message "{@prefix} &7Der Kauf wurde abgebrochen."
if arg 3 is not set:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&bPerks" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with paper named "&eBestätige den Kauf in höhe von 80.000$" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire confirm"]
format slot 11 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire confirm"]
format slot 12 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&aBestätigen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire confirm"]
format slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire cancel"]
format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire cancel"]
format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&cAbbrechen" to be unstealable then run [execute player command "perks buy nofire cancel"]
format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
function buyRankStern(p: player):
if {_p}'s money is greater than 49999:
send "&aDu hast dir erfolgreich den Stern Rang gekauft!" to {_p}
execute console command "lp user %{_p}% parent add stern"
remove 50000 from {_p}'s money
send "&cDu hast nicht genügeng Geld." to {_p}
function buyRankEisen(p: player):
if {_p}'s money is greater than 99999:
send "&aDu hast dir erfolgreich den Eisen Rang gekauft!" to {_p}
execute console command "lp user %{_p}% parent add iron"
remove 100000 from {_p}'s money
send "&cDu hast nicht genügeng Geld." to {_p}
function buyRankPremium(p: player):
if {_p}'s money is greater than 249999:
send "&aDu hast dir erfolgreich den Premium Rang gekauft!" to {_p}
execute console command "lp user %{_p}% parent add premium"
remove 250000 from {_p}'s money
send "&cDu hast nicht genügeng Geld." to {_p}
function buyRankSmaragt(p: player):
if {_p}'s money is greater than 499999:
send "&aDu hast dir erfolgreich den Eisen Rang gekauft!" to {_p}
execute console command "lp user %{_p}% parent add smaragt"
remove 500000 from {_p}'s money
send "&cDu hast nicht genügeng Geld." to {_p}
command /buy:
open chest with 3 rows named "Rangshop" to player
wait 2 ticks
format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named "" with lore "" with lore "" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with nether star named "&fStern Rang" to be unstealable then run [buyRankStern(player)]
format slot 11 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 12 of player with iron ingot named "&eEisen Rang" to be unstealable then run [buyRankEisen(player)]
format slot 13 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&6Premium Rang" to be unstealable then run [buyRankPremium(player)]
format slot 15 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 16 of player with glowing emerald named "&aSmaragt Rang" to be unstealable then run [buyRankSmaragt(player)]
format slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable