NextLevel Warps is a modern, fully configurable warp script with intuitive commands and GUIs. You can easily create, delete and edit warps.
- Admin GUI
- Intuitive
- Sounds
- Log(create, delete, set, tp)
/warp <warp name> -Teleports you to a warp
/warp list - Lists all warps
/warp add <warp name> - Creates a warp
/warp delete <warp name> - Deletes a warp
/warp set <warp name> - Resets the position of an already existing warp
/warp gui - Opens a GUI to teleport
/warp admingui - Opens a GUI to manage the warps
You can change the permission prefix in the script file. Please note that then the permissions are different.
warp.* (Admin Permission)
warp.set (/warp set <warp name>)
warp.add (/warp add <warp name>)
warp.delete (/warp delete <warp name>)
warp.list (/warp list)
warp.gui (/warp gui)
warp.admingui (/warp admingui) (/tp <warp name>)<warp name> (Allows players to teleport to a specific warp
1. Download the latest version of skript and put it in the plugin folder (There you can find it:
2. Start the server to create the skript folder.
3. Download the script and drag it into the folder plugins/Skript/scripts
4. Run the command /sk reload NextLevelWarps_<version> (for example /sk reload NextLevelWarps_1.0.0)
2. Start the server to create the skript folder.
3. Download the script and drag it into the folder plugins/Skript/scripts
4. Run the command /sk reload NextLevelWarps_<version> (for example /sk reload NextLevelWarps_1.0.0)
To change the messages and permissions, you need to open the script file with any text program (the Windows editor is sufficient). At the top you will find the options. Change ONLY the things after the colon! Do not change the things under the marked separation!If not, it can lead to errors. Do not forget to reload the script (/sk reload <filename>)
permission: warp
prefix: &aNextLevel Warps&9>
warp_help: &e----------&6Warp-Help&e----------%nl%&6Commands:%nl%&e/warp <warp> -&6Teleportiert dich zu einem Warp.%nl%&e/warp list -&6Listet alle Warps auf.%nl%&e/warp (add|create) <warp> -&6Erstellt ein neues Warp.%nl%&e/warp (delete|remove) <warp> -&6Entfernt ein Warp.%nl%&e/warp set <warp> -&6Setzt eine neue Position von einem Warp.%nl%&e----------&6Warp-Help&e---------- #Mehere Zeilen durch %nl%
warp_set_success: &6Die Position von dem Warp &e%{_warp}% &6wurde erfolgreich zu der neuen Position &e%{_location}% &6gesetzt.
warp_set_not_exist: &6Das Warp mit dem Namen &e%{_warp}% &6existiert nicht! Bitte benutze &e/warp create <name>
warp_set_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp set %{_warp}% &6auszuführen.
warp_add_success: &6Du hast das Warp &e%{_warp}% &6erstellt und zu der Position &e%{_location}% &6gesetzt.
warp_add_already_exist: &6Das Warp mit dem Namen &e%{_warp}% &6existiert bereits! Bitte benutze &e/warp set <name>
warp_add_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp add %{_warp}% &6auszuführen.
warp_delete_success: &6Du hast das Warp &e%{_warp}% &6entfernt.
warp_delete_not_exist: &6Das Warp mit dem Namen &e%{_warp}% &6existiert nicht!
warp_delete_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp delete %{_warp}% &6auszuführen.
warp_list_warps: &6Es gibt folgende Warps: &e%{_warps}%
warp_list_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp list &6auszuführen.
warp_list_no_warps: &6Es wurden noch keine Warps erstellt.
warp_tp_success: &6Du wurdest zu dem Warp &e%{_warp}% &6teleportiert.
warp_tp_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp %arg 1% &6auszuführen.
warp_tp_warp_not_exist: &6Das Warp mit dem Namen &e%arg 1% &6wurde nicht gefunden.
warp_gui_no_perm: &6Du hast &ckeine &6Rechte, um den Befehl &e/warp %{_name}% &6auszuführen.
warp_gui_tp_success: &6Du wurdest zu dem Warp &e%{_name}% &6teleportiert.
warp_gui_no_warps: &6Es wurden noch keine warps festgelegt.
warp_log_create: true
warp_log_set: true
warp_log_delete: true
warp_log_tp: false
warp_cooldown_time: 3 seconds
warp_cooldown_message: &cBitte warte noch %remaining time%, bevor du den Command erneut verwendest!
warp_cooldown_bypass_perm: warp.bypass
permission: warp
prefix: &aNextLevel Warps&9>
warp_help: &e----------&6Warp-Help&e----------%nl%&6Commands:%nl%&e/warp <warp> -&6Teleports you to a warp.%nl%&e/warp list -&6Lists all warps.%nl%&e/warp (add|create) <warp> -&6Creates a new warp. %nl%&e/warp (delete|remove) <warp> -&6Removes a warp.%nl%&e/warp set <warp> -&6Sets a new position of a warp.%nl%&e----------&6Warp-Help&e---------- #Multiple lines through %nl%
warp_set_success: &6The position of warp &e%{_warp}% &6was successfully set to the new position &e%{_location}% &6.
warp_set_not_exist: &6The warp with the name &e%{_warp}% &6does not exist! Please use &e/warp create <name>
warp_set_no_perm: &6You have &cno &6rights to execute the command &e/warp set %{_warp}% &6.
warp_add_success: &6You have created the warp &e%{_warp}% &6 and set &6 to the position &e%{_location}% &6.
warp_add_already_exist: &6The warp with the name &e%{_warp}% &6exists already! Please use &e/warp set <name>
warp_add_no_perm: &6You have &cno &6rights to execute the command &e/warp add %{_warp}% &6.
warp_delete_success: &6You have &6removed the warp &e%{_warp}% &6.
warp_delete_not_exist: &6The warp named &e%{_warp}% &6does not exist!
warp_delete_no_perm: &6You have &cno &6rights to execute the command &e/warp delete %{_warp}% &6.
warp_list_warps: &6The following warps exist: &e%{_warps}%
warp_list_no_perm: &6You have &no &6rights to execute the command &e/warp list &6.
warp_list_no_warps: &6No warps have been created yet.
warp_tp_success: &6You have been teleported to the warp &e%{_warp}% &6.
warp_tp_no_perm: &6You have &cno &6rights to execute the command &e/warp %arg 1% &6.
warp_tp_warp_not_exist: &6The warp with the name &e%arg 1% &6was not found.
warp_gui_no_perm: &6You have &cno &6rights to execute the command &e/warp %{_name}% &6.
warp_gui_tp_success: &6You were teleported to the warp &e%{_name}% &6.
warp_gui_no_warps: &6No warps have been set yet.
warp_log_create: true
warp_log_set: true
warp_log_delete: true
warp_log_tp: false
warp_cooldown_time: 3 seconds
warp_cooldown_message: &cPlease wait %remaining time% before using the command again!
warp_cooldown_bypass_perm: warp.bypass
If you speak a another language, you are welcome to let me do the configuration.I will add it to the examples.
Planned features
- Editable sounds
- Stats about the number of visits of a warp...
If you have any problems, requests or suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact me via Discord. My Discord tag: NiniMine#3504 You can also contact me if you have a request for a new script.Support and Contact