İnventory click wont work

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Jun 23, 2023
on inventory click:
if clicked slot is 29:
if player's cursor is brick named "&c&lCetalyne Marble" or kelp named "&a&lQreciue Marble" or iron ingot named "&7&lKromer Marble" or ghast tear named "&f&lArchival Marble" or popped chorus fruit named "&d&lPonter Marble":
send "&eCongrats!"
This skript doesn't seem to work. I use skquery and skrayfall. skript latest
Cant really test it out since I dont know your full skript but this reloads fine:
On inventory click:
if event-slot is 29:
if name of event-item is "&c&lCetalyne Marble" or kelp named "&a&lQreciue Marble" or iron ingot named "&7&lKromer Marble" or ghast tear named "&f&lArchival Marble" or popped chorus fruit named "&d&lPonter Marble":
send "&eCongrats!"
This skript doesn't seem to work. I use skquery and skrayfall. skript latest
It seems that I haven't explained myself the right way, you need to DEBUG, if you had done that you would've figured out that in the second condition you're checking if the NAME of the ITEM (which btw you should use event-slot) is a string, ok, but then you check if it's a kelp named something... simply check if the name is any of the names you've listed there but without the items, ex: if name of event-slot is "this", "fo sho" or "nahh":