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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. P

    executing player command doesnt work in gui with loop-value

    As said in title. Im running skript 2.5.1 and skquery v4.1.4
  2. P

    Executing function in function

    Sounds weird, but im trying to execute next function by using format slot ... [<functioname> player] created in function. But it doesnt want to work
  3. P

    Hidden enchants in gui

    How do i make that? I tried to use enchant but if you hover over it it shows enchant.
  4. P

    Solved Quick question

    Is there any possible way to check if player has opened a chest ( something like "on mine" for example)
  5. P

    Solved Parsing offline player's head in gui

    hello, how do i do that?
  6. P

    [Question] What sort of script should i make?

    Hello, quick question what sort of script should i create. I'm quite good in skript coding and I already created public troll script ( )
  7. P

    Inventory shuffle

    Category:Troll Suggested name: Shuffle Spigot/Skript Version: 1.14.4 What I want: I want a command /shuffle <player> that shuffles every item in player's inventory Ideas for commands: /shuffle Ideas for permissions: shuffe.allow When I'd like it by: As soon as possible
  8. P

    MundoSK Packets

    Hello, how do i send useless packet to client.
  9. P

    Troll menu

    Troll menu made by PanHack Screenshots: (Because skunity does not allow me to post actual screenshots) Permissions Features Push player in random direction Launch player into space Fake server shutdown Freeze player Fake explode Ignite player Poison...
  10. P

    Solved Checking block below player

    Hi i want a script that trapes you in 2x1 cage made of glass But if block under is not air it wouldn't set it to glass screenshot: Current code command /@101 <player>: trigger: set block north above the player to glass set block east above the...
  11. P

    Forcing player to look any direction

    So as said in title i want skript that forces player look down or up when you take damage Skript version 2.4.1
  12. P

    Solved Randomizing drop between 4-16

    Ok so i want to RANDOMIZE drop between 4-16 PLUGINS : SKQuerry Wildskript RandomSK Skellett skRayFall on mine of dirt: if player's tool is shovel: chance of 100%: set %random integer from 4 to 16% to a random integer between 4 and 16 drop %random integer from...
  13. P

    Solved Masssay help

    so i get 2 errors and i can't understand them. command /masssay [text]: aliases: /ms trigger: loop all players: force all players say "arg 1" if argument 1 is not set send "&cYou must fill what you want to say!" stop errors : 'force all...
  14. P

    Solved Checking permission

    ERROR : can't understand this event: 'if player has permission "stone.drop"' pretty sure my code is ALMOST good if player has permission "stone.drop": on mine of stone: if player's tool is pickaxe: chance of 0.01% drop 1 diamond
  15. P

    Solved Checking item name

    Im new to coding in skript so i would like to know how to check item name code: on consume a cookie: if name of event-item is "&6&lLegendarne &1&fBounty": remove 1 cookie named "&6&lLegendarne &1&fBounty" from player apply glowing to player for 120 seconds add 2 to player's food...