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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Addon skUtilities

    hi i have sone trouble with skutilities. I get this errors I run MC 1.8.8 with this plugins: [13:59:28] Plugins (47): MobShop, AntiWerbung, AdvancedClearlag, Skript, PlaceholderAPI, PlugMan, skDragon, IllegalStack, SkQuery, NametagEdit, InventoryPages, Votifier, PowerNBT, EndReset...
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    Solved A script which punishes the execution of certain commands with Ban

    Thank you so that works for me. on command: if command is "bukkit:about": execute console command "ban %player% reason " And how do I do that so admins btw ops will not be banned?
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    Solved A script which punishes the execution of certain commands with Ban

    Hallo alle zusammen. Ich bräuchte Bitte Hilfe ein Skript zu schreiben was jemand außer ops mit autoban bestraft, wenn er spezielle Befehle eingibt. Ich hab vor Kommandos wie /plugins mit Ban zu bestrafen. Das die Spionage auf mein Server unterbunden wird. Ich danke euch schon einmal im vorraus...