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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. jonawoning

    Skript Round Number

    The numbers on a variable in my skript are giving like 10.0.. and i want it round like 10. Not like this: Code: every real minute: loop all players: if {kd.influence.%loop-player%} is not 2000: add 1 to...
  2. jonawoning

    Skript - Worldborder

    Hey there! So I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can run a worldborder command per world from console. Currently, if you run /worldborder ... it will run it in the default world. ie: world. So, is there a possible way I can run a console command for a specific world? Thanks in...
  3. jonawoning

    Solved "every real minute" not working.

    I want to add 1 {kd.influence.%player%} every minute to a player but it doesn't work. If i remove ''event-world'' event thing, then it says please add an event world etc. Error: every real minute: if "%event-world%" is "KnightMC"...
  4. jonawoning

    Solved Skript if message starts with "!" not working.

    Title: Skript if message starts with "!" not working. < I have skript like: on chat: if {kd.%player%} is "Kingdomloos": cancel event broadcast "&7[&fKingdomloos&7] &7%coloured player's displayname%: &7%message%" else: set {hash} to "##" set {procent} to...